[0.18] george

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           𝑹𝒖𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒑𝒔 out of the solace of the Homestead, the cool night air enveloping her like a refreshing embrace. 

The night air is alive with the subtle scents of the earth, carrying a crisp, refreshing scent with it. 

For a while, she simply stands there, savoring the peaceful tapestry of sensations. A soft breeze whispers through her loose locks, the overgrown grass at her feet swaying in a graceful choreography. The stars above shimmer with celestial brilliance, creating patterns that seem to hold the secrets of the universe. 

Rue gazes up, her eyes filled with wonder.

Her breathing becomes slow as she closes her eyes, allowing the moment to wash over her. The air feels chilly and invigorating as she inhales deeply, filling her lungs with it, and then exhales, releasing any tension she might have carried.

Her face mirrors the momentary inner peace, her features serene. The moonlight kisses her cheeks, accentuating her natural beauty. 

Her skin is no longer covered in streaks of dirt; she had lent a towel of Newt's to scrub it away.

Time seems to hold its breath as she savors the moment, fully immersed in the nocturnal symphony that surrounds her. The soft chirping of crickets and other foreign insects, the distant rustle of the woods, and the steady creaking of the makeshift structures. 

While standing there, absorbing the night's stillness, she suddenly spots a figure by the dense line of trees. 

"George?" she whispers to herself.

His presence in the middle of the night, heading towards the Deadheads, strikes her as odd. Both confused and curious, she starts moving through the grass, her footsteps treading cautiously. 

She whispers his name again, this time louder, but her hushed calls seem to go unnoticed in the vastness of the night.

George remains resolute, his figure receding further into the dark forest. Rue feels a growing sense of unease, her instincts urging her to follow him. Reluctantly, she treks in his direction, doing her best to keep pace.

The woods around her take on an eerie aura in the dead of night. The moonlight filters through the branches, casting elongated, ghostly shadows on the forest floor. The distant buzz of an insect and the rustling of leaves in the night breeze create a haunting symphony that sends shivers down her spine.

Her footsteps are wary, her movement a delicate ballet with the night. Each blade of grass she treads upon seems to protest her intrusion.

"George?" she calls again, her voice even louder and with an undercurrent of concern. There is no response from him.

With a growing concern, she continues to follow him. Her eyes dart around, scanning the looming trees with an uneasy expression. The branches overhead creak and groan in the gentle breeze, their rustling a chorus of secrets that the forest guards closely.

Every breath she takes is measured, the inhales filled with the scent of damp earth and the exhales a visible cloud in the cool night air. 

Her heart beats like a drum in her chest, a rhythm that mirrors the pulse of the forest. Her steps are cautious and deliberate, her senses alert to every shift and sound in the darkness.

The gnarled branches seem to reach out with spectral fingers, casting elongated shapes that dance and sway with the subtle breeze. 

It's only when George comes to a startling halt that Rue manages to close the distance between them. Every step she takes is fraught with caution, her eyes trained unwaveringly on his unsettling behavior. She inches closer. 

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