Chapter One

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Jasmine had always been able to see ghosts and spirits, being a version of one herself. So when she saw her halfbrother talking with Eugene about something, she didn't think much of it. What did surprise her, however, was when Ida came up to talk to her. The relationship between them had never been the best, considering that Ida definitely didn't approve of her past actions.

"Can I help you with something?" Jasmine asked. It was harsher than the girl had intended, she was never great with making her tone sound nice. Ida fidgeted with her fingers as she thought about how to say what she wanted to.

"Terrence spoke to me earlier." She mumbled, avoiding eye contact as she normally did. Her hands scrunched up the ruffles of the new dress she'd found for herself a week ago. "He gave me an offer that's… enticing."

Jasmine narrowed her eyes at Ida, recognizing Ida's habit of making her tone very formal when she wanted something. The girl's habits were strange and "unnoticeable to the untrained eye, but Jasmine was quick to pick up on them.

"And he wanted to include us both?" Jasmine asked skeptically. Ida nodded quickly, perhaps a bit embarrassed by how quickly the older girl read her.

"And what exactly is this offer?" Jasmine asked, leaning back against the wall and crossing her arms. Ida took a deep breath.

"He wants our help to get a Time Wish, so him and Isabelle's brother can come back." Ida said, not knowing how Jasmine would react. The curse in question slightly stiffened, though it was just for a second and she quickly brushed it off. Jasmine thought for a few seconds, if she was able to help bring back the Cipher’s halfbrother, she might be able to gain Elizabetta's trust.

“I want to live.” Ida said bluntly. “As much as living was a pain in the 70s and I love spreading justice, I hate being a Judge. Even if you won’t help, I want another chance.”

For a moment, the two were silent.

"I'll help. Anything to get Elizabetta to trust me." Jasmine said. She pushed off against the wall and walked over to Terrence and Eugene. The purple-haired demon was clearly nervous, tapping his fingers on his arm and quietly humming.

Terrence glanced at Jasmine approaching - Ida inching closely behing her - and sighed with a smile. He looked back to Eugene and said, “I’ll find Vixen. You talk to the two.” With that, he walked off into the hallway, his form flickering in the shadows.

Eugene fidgeted nervously, not really knowing what to say. Even when he was alive, he'd never been good at socializing with new people, and that skill had vanished quickly after he died. "So, um…" He started awkwardly.

Ida wasn’t much better at talking to people she didn’t know than Eugene. She just gave a quick wave and half-mumbled greeting. “So, Time Wishes?” She hummed. “I’ve heard of those. Thought they were only myths.” She was better at talking at people than talking to people, as the two with her quickly realized. “Anyway, Papa wouldn’t want us to do this.”

Something ate Ida from the inside out: the idea of doing something that could upset or disappoint the Dream Demon she’d been calling her father. Still, there was a good reason she was doing this. If there was anything to make Bill proud, it would most certainly be helping his oldest son come back to life.

Eugene read her thoughts unconsciously, and tried to think of something to say to that. "Well, I mean- I think it'll be better than just being dead…”

“Anyway, I should probably just use my ghost form for this so no one notices a random child talking to herself like she’s crazy.” She said. “I could probably bring my friend, too.”

Jasmine looked at Ida in something like shock. “You have a friend?” She slipped.

Ida stared at her for a moment. “Really? I have a social life, Jasmine.” She said, annoyed- though more disappointed in the comment than anything.

“I didn’t mean to say that out loud.” Jasmine swore, smiling awkwardly.

"Or, since people can see Jasmine, me and Terrance could just stand behind her so it would look like you're talking to her." Eugene suggested hesitantly, rubbing the back of his head.

“Too much work to keep the details all the time. Also, physical form isn’t always great for adventures.” Ida decided. “I’ll go and find Coby now.” With that, the girl rushed off, her wings fluttering loosely and uselessly behind her.

Eugene and Jasmine were left alone, an awkward silence filling the room. Eugene nervously laughed, trying to break the tension. "I really hope Terrence gets back soon."


Vixen like being alone with her thoughts.

And with her brother, but mainly her thoughts.

By the Axolotl, she was probably on the verge of going crazy as she dwelled over her anger and spite. Her life, her death, her brother’s torment. Unfair. All of it was unfair. And she was willing to destroy anything that stood in her way, or tried interrupting her or brood-

“Hello Vixen.”


Terrance smiled softly, but nervously. "Um, me and Eugene were talking, and he had an idea of getting a Time Wish, so we could come back to life."

Life. Vixen pondered. She glanced down to the blood splatter across her dark dress.


If she had life, she could be with her brother again. She could hug him and he would be able to feel it then. Her mind set and her eye stared into Terrence’s with an expression he couldn’t quite read.

“I’ll come with you.” It didn’t matter that she was a child. She would fight the Axolotl Themself if it meant she could be with her twin. Twin. Nine years ago, the two were five. Those nine years had passed and he was fourteen, but she was still five. She stood. It didn't matter. Life was life, to hell if she wasn't taking the chance to get it.

Terrence smiled softly, motioning for her to follow. "Come on, we already have a few others." He reached out his hand so she could take it.

The two went back over to Eugene and Jasmine, who visibly relaxed. Terrence could hear his friend mutter a thank you that the two weren't alone anymore. Jasmine however, looked towards the new arrivals. "We might have a problem." She said. Terrence could tell that her tone still wasn't as she'd intended it to sound.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, watching Vixen glance back to the hallway they’d come from worriedly. Eugene observed the cautious voice Terrence used- a steady, kind flow that encouraged anyone to tell anything.

Jasmine sighed. "No one here trusts me, and if Ida suddenly vanishes, then everyone is gonna panic. If I disappear they're probably gonna think I'm murdering half the planet." She tapped her fingers, "So we need a way to do this without getting caught."

Terrence thought for a moment. “Say you’ll be gone on some… bonding trip. They know Jasmine wouldn’t try anything with Ida there.” He suggested. Ida nodded in agreement.

Vixen sighed in resolve. This was really happening.

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