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“I should've gone with her…” The boy’s voice was bitter and cold, heavy with grief and regret. He closed his eye, but the image of fire flashed in his mind. He snapped it open and his vision met the brilliant Sun hovering over the two ghosts.

Terrence looked over to his friend, a look of sadness and something else on his face, "I know, but there's nothing to be done now…"

Eugene sighed in frustration. "I wish there was." He admitted, rolling his head over to face Terrence.

"I know…" Terrence repeated, his voice soft like always, his calm understanding. "Still, there's nothing that can change the past…"

Eugene thought for a second. "There's time wishes." He realized. "They can change things."

Terrence almost laughed. "Time wishes? Those are very risky to get." He recalled his father telling him stories about those. The amazing things they could do and the paradoxes they could avoid.

Eugene nodded in agreement, but persisted. "Yeah, but it's not really like-" He stopped himself, sighing frustratedly. "Never mind…"

Trying to be encouraging, Terrence nudged his friend. "No, no, tell me."

Eugene bit his tongue, shifting a bit. "It's not really like they could do much…" He decided. "I mean, we're dead." He looked away, sighing softly.

"Oh... Alright…" The fellow demon mumbled, hardly audible.

Eugene sighed in resignation, fiddling with his fingers as he thought about his family, what could've been…

Terrence cleared his throat, getting his friend's attention. "Well then... what should we do...?"

The young demon thought for a moment, his mind racing. "We could try to get one. Or two, or whatever we'd need."

"Yea, but how?" The other asked, lifting his hand up and watching the sunlight gleam right through him.

Eugene leaned forward, observing the wind brush through the grass. "I... don't know. I haven't thought about that yet. Yet." His voice rose with what seemed like confidence.

Terrence thought, humming with a consistent drone. "Maybe... if we went into the future and found where they're created, then…" He interrupted the thought with a sigh. "It's probably too dangerous, even for ghosts…"

Eugene's confidence didn't disappear, but wavered. "Maybe with help?"

"From who? Vixen? She's five, might I remind you." The green-eyed demon snickered at the thought.

"She could be- like- a watch person. and Ida might be able to see us. Jasmine might, too." The thought seemed almost reasonable.

Terrence smiled, looking at Eugene. "Oh, and doesn't Ida have that one ghost friend? That kid, Coby?" He added, as if the plan could be true. Eugene nodded.

"This could actually work... Am I crazy or could this actually work?" Terrence pushed himself off of the tree trunk he'd been leaning on, his smile wider.

Eugene smiled right back. "You're as crazy as me. I really hope it does."

Terrence stood with an excited fury. "Well then, let's be crazy and do something about this all!" That was louder than Eugene heard him speak in a while.

  A collab story with Ch1ff0nTheK1tsun3

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