Chapter 7- Arrival on an Unknown Planet

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Queen Legume set out towards Kakarot's location. She flew towards the coordinates shown on her scouter showed that his space pod had landed. When Queen Legume arrived, she found an elderly man was holding an unconscious Kakarot in front of him. This alarmed Queen Legume, because she did not know what had happened. She immediately went to a fighting stance.

Queen Legume fiercely demanded, "What is going on here? What have you done?"

"I have done nothing to the boy. I was out for a stroll and came across him unconscious here right before you arrived." The elderly man said as he was startled by Queen Legume's sudden appearance.

Queen Legume asked sternly and suspiciously, "What are you doing all the way out here all by yourself?"

"Mount Poh is my home, and I live out here by myself." The elderly man cautiously replied.

Queen Legume asked cautiously, "Who are you?"

"My name is Gohan." The elderly man solemnly replied.

Queen Legume checked her scouter and showed that Gohan had a power level of 5. She felt that he was hiding his true power level but felt that it was nothing for her to concern herself with. She was certain that she could take him because her power level was 18,000. Queen Legume relaxed from her fighting stance and walked over to Kakarot and Gohan.

Queen Legume said, "May I see him. I might be able to find why he is unconscious."

"Most certainly, young lady." Gohan said as he placed Kakarot in Queen Legume's arms.

Queen Legume took Kakarot from Gohan and gently placed him on the ground in front of her. She pushed a few buttons on her scouter and a few moments later it chimed. Queen Legume looked at Gohan.

Queen Legume frowned as she said, "He is suffering from hibernation sickness and will be alright after some time. However, he needs to be placed in a healing pod on my spaceship, or he may suffer major memory loss. My spaceship is not far from here. Can you please carry him?"

"Of course, young lady. I hope that it will help his condition." Gohan replied as he picked up Kakarot in his arms.

Queen Legume led the way back to her spaceship as they walked along. Queen Legume explained to Gohan who they were. She went over where they come from and their basic stories. Soon, they arrived at the location of Queen Legume's spaceship. She pulled out a remote and pushed a button. Queen Legume smiled when she saw the shock in Gohan's eyes as a square light seemed to appear out of nowhere three meters off of the ground. She led Gohan up an invisible ramp into the light as he carried an unconscious Kakarot. Queen Legume led Gohan into the invisible spaceship, down the hall, and they entered into a room with weird machines in it. Queen Legume pushed a button on a console as one of the machines doors opened outwards towards them.

Queen Legume looked towards Gohan as she said, "Please, put him in this machine."

Gohan placed Kakarot in the machine. Queen Legume pushed a couple of buttons as the door closed, and the machine filled with a green healing liquid.

Queen Legume was solemn as she said, "The green liquid is a healing solution created specifically to Saiyan DNA. Kakarot should be completely recovered in an hour or two."

"Sounds good to me. All of this technology seems foreign to me." Gohan was amazed as he said.

Queen Legume nodded and smiled slightly before she replied. "It would seem very foreign to you when you aren't around it as much I am."

After a few minutes of silence and watching Kakarot in the healing pod, Queen Legume asked, "Would you like a cup of tea as we wait?"

"Will he be ok in here by himself?" Gohan asked.

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