The Bundles Of Joy

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Both boys are growing fast and they enjoy being around Theodore and Tia. We have play dates for them. Anastasia has set up things in her backyard so the children can enjoy outdoors without getting bitten by mosquitos. Christian found it somewhere after Theodore got bit by a mosquito. He is a very protective father. Elliott jr and his father have been trying to let the boys experience being boys. They play with building blocks and I have to stop them from hitting each other with them. Elliott forgets they are not at the age to play with them correctly. I had to hide them and gave the boys some softer toys to play with.

Elliott Jr
Ethan and Elliott three have left me with a black eye during their play time with the building blocks. So Kate has hidden 5he building blocks from everyone until the boys can play with them correctly. Tia being the oldest of the children is bossy to the boys. At seven months old they are bigger than Tia, but she is talking at this stage and walking so she can do more than they can and she knows it. She's 14 months old now. They like trying to imitate her.

Barney and I have been teaching Tia to talk and boy does she talk. She bosses her cousins and Theo around. All three of the boys are younger than her by seven months. We can see where they will come to their senses and ignore her bossiness. Barney has tried to get her to be nicer to them but it's not working at this point.

I think Christian is unhappy about Tia bossing Theo and the other boys around when she's around them. I told him that will change hopefully. Barney has been working on her bossiness. So far it has been futile. Theo is seven months old in two weeks and he is going to be a big brother. Christian has really turned Kavanagh Media around and added some new aspects to it. He has created a studio to showcase the news and they have built a broadcast company and a publishing company as well. My shot failed and I have decided to let Christian hire someone to make sure that my company keeps growing and so far it has, but this pregnancy is more difficult than my first pregnancy.

I decide to hire from within and we just moved the current manager up the ladder and then looked at the others to see if we could do the same for them. HR has ran the numbers and evaluated all the options and the evaluations that were done on the employees. We ran thorough audits on all departments and all accounts. We have that done on all departments at GEH to assure no one thinks they can fudge the numbers and withdraw money from accounts. We have caught people making so called errors, but when the mistake is transferred into their bank account at the end of its travels through the various accounting processes. Now that we have one baby we need extra security and more staff to ensure we have time with our son and the baby Anastasia is carrying.

Mia thinks Anastasia is working too hard and I don't see it personally. But not arguing with Mia about it because she has been having to deal with our very verbal daughter who has learned the word NO. Her bossy nature has outgrown its cuteness. Her playmates are learning how to avoid her temper tantrums. The childcare center has become her second home and they have others just like her and know what how to redirect them into an activity that calms them down. We hired some of the best for the childcare and the medical staff. It was pretty time consuming for HR and the attorneys on staff to get everything lined up legally. Mr Grey makes sure he can't be sued because someone was careless. The contracts were air tight and so were the insurance policies in GEH and Steele company.

The baby came very quickly and she was bigger than Theo. Grace Rose Grey was longer and weighed a couple of pounds more than Theo when she was born. Gail has been good about making sure our household staff is doing their jobs. Jason is head of security for us and assures staff is doing their jobs and he makes sure we have plenty of security and that they are paid very well. Someone tried to get Grace from the nursery, but found she wasn't there at all. She was in my room. They were arrested and charged with attempted kidnapping. A doctor and nurse were the ones who caught them.

I am glad our children are learning to drive themselves to school now. They will be going to college next thing we know. I monitor the mannies and nannies for the children and all the household staffs for all the properties. I am responsible for the household expenses as well. I have three assistants. I love the children and even like when the Parkers and the millers bring their children over. Tia has finally stopped being bossy, she is around a lot more children and has learned bossy attitudes doesn't get her friends. So she has been trying to make friends, but she tries to guide them in the direction she wants to go in and what she wants to play.

I am glad we signed Tia in for childcare at GEH. She has really grownup and has made adjustments to her bossiness. She has became a leader and guides the other younger children to play what she wants to.

Tia is doing a lot better since she has been around all the other children at GEH. We should have signed her up for this earlier, but Mia wanted to make sure we got her potty trained first. They potty train the children in their childcare center at GEH. Mia is getting baby fever after seeing Grace Grey.

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