𝐎𝟏𝟐. This Is Not A Happy Birthday

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January 8th 1978

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January 8th 1978

"It's true, I heard so from Sully." Whispers follow Charlotte around as she moves through the hallways. "Do you think he convinced her to go dark? She used to be so kind."

Rumours. Someone has started the rumour that she's now a full dark witch and as is typical, everyone believes it. It's not clear to her who the he is that supposedly convinced her, but she supposes it doesn't even matter. The rumour mill is working its job, and it doesn't matter who gets dragged into it. Hogwarts is notorious for having rumours spread around faster than a wildfire. It's the magic, she thinks.

She's been holed up in her dorm the entire weekend, replaying the conversation with Regulus in her head over and over. He wasn't mean or dismissive of emotions like he's been the moment they met. No, she quite enjoyed his company. She's going to regret that no doubt. It's like he fully understood her and what it meant to be in that attack on New Year's. Even without her saying too much about it. And the fact he's shared about his brotherly bond with Sirius? They might declare each other best friends.

But because she's been locked away in her dorm, it means she hasn't gotten the taste of the rumour mill yet. There have been few she's been part of. Usually guesses of who's dating her. Pointless, as she doesn't even date. Though this one is dangerous, it's making her out to be a bad person. She doesn't consider herself a bad person, but who knows? She might be one just yet. Is the usage of dark magic equivalent to being awful? Her kindness cannot be taken from her just because of one time using magic she's not supposed to be using.

To top it all of, it's her seventeenth birthday, and aside from the birthday wishes from Raina, Penelope, and Lukas, it's been radio silence. Even James is keeping quiet. It feels as though they're pretending she doesn't exist because of the rumour. Oh, and she doesn't even want to look at the Slytherin table. Barty and Raina are still fighting about the whole war thing, and Evan's been siding with his friend while Pandora's been siding with Raina. It's just a big mess, but her birthday's been a bit forgotten in the mess.

Oh, maybe that's not even the worst thing. The Headmaster is following her as though he can figure out all her secrets by doing so. She can't believe that even he listens to the rumours. It's like he wants to catch her doing something she shouldn't be.

She's sneaking into an empty classroom to do the homework she's been given. It's the only way she can escape the whispers. Lukas is the only one she's told where she's gone off to. She doesn't want to be around anyone right now. This is where she doesn't have to be. Where she doesn't have to pretend she's okay. It's for the best, really. She can't even begin to act like she's already gotten over the attack on New Year's Day. Even if no one knows the truth.

New Year's Day is a celebration of the new year, where fireworks are supposed to light up the skies. Where happiness plays a big part. Without joy there is no proper New Year's Day. There are screams of happiness, no sounds of torture.

[DISCONTINUED] I Know The End, Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now