𝐎𝟑𝟑. Bellatrix Lestrange... Black

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chapters will be shorter from this point forward. 1500-2000 words max. there might be a rare instance where i'll write 2000+ words. (and apologies already for lack of regulus)

 (and apologies already for lack of regulus)

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July 6th 1979

Charlotte doesn't take her N.E.W.T. exams, in the end. According to the Ministry of Magic you have to visit the Ministry to verify your blood status and then you can take your exams supervised by some official. But she's so happy for her friends who can take their exams already. Truly, wonderful. Even Regulus, who hasn't done a single bit of studying for anything and dropped out of Hogwarts after Easter, is taking the exams. Life is unfair.

She wonders how she's going to tell her mother that she's engaged to the crazy psycho wizard that tortured her. That's something Charlotte hasn't given much thought to, even though she really needs to come up with something. It's not everyday your daughter will get married. And she needs her mum to give her away. Not that she and Regulus have picked a date yet, or have decided on whether or not Sirius is welcome... Plus, there has to be a way to get that ugly mark from Regulus' arm.

Also, Regulus has put her on temporary lockdown while he figures out the safest places in the wizarding world. Since he insists on having at least some form of magical ceremony in the wedding. Honestly, she's fine with that. James and Lily had a binding ceremony that made their magic almost as one. Or completely as one. Doesn't matter. She's in Grimmauld Place 12, and it really honours its name. It's grim. And old. She doesn't doubt that Sirius' room will be booming with colour – she hasn't gone in there, because who knows what she might find – so she's holed up in Regulus' room.

Any You Know Who propaganda has been torn down, though she can see some old clippings that haven't been exterminated. She knows he doesn't really feel that way anymore, but it's still a reminder of who he once was. He's better now. Though she really wishes he'd tell her when his birthday is.

"Kreacher sees the young Miss in Master Regulus' bedroom. Master Regulus does not want unauthorised company to defile his property. Kreacher will escort the young Miss to the dining table."

"Oh, no, that's okay, I'm fine here." Charlotte shakes her head at the house elf.

Regulus has also told her that Kreacher will not take kindly to her no matter how many times he'll demand Kreacher be nice to her. Charlotte doesn't want to move from her spot on the bed, with the dark magic notebook in her lap. The skull pyramid artefact stands a little further away, on Regulus' desk. She's trying to figure out what an Inferius Relic will do, but so far so good.

"Kreacher must insist the young Miss come to the dining table." The house elf stubbornly demands.

"Fine, fine. I'm going already."

She tucks the Inferius Relic in her pocket as she passes the desk, undoubtedly it's not what it used to be. She sneaks a glance at the house elf shuffling in front of her. He's also not what he used to be, at least. He doesn't appear to be the sweet elf that Regulus claims was his first friend.

Grimmauld Place 12 is strange, filled with dark magic. She can sense it all around her, but she can never place where exactly it's coming from. Regulus has warned her not to go into rooms he hasn't secured yet, and the dining hall is one of them. A secret hall used for little soirees or something. She hasn't figured it out yet.

"Beautiful, Kreacher. Thank you for retrieving her." Charlotte's breath hitches. She's seen this woman before, a little less put together, but still... it's the very same woman. "Oh, deary, don't look so frightened. We're just having a bit of girl talk."

"I know you from somewhere." Charlotte chokes out.

"Guilty! I killed your daddy dearest! And I have tried to kill you before. Now, deary, sit down, I have such a wonderful proposal for you."

"You're Narcissa Black's sister, aren't you? The older sister." She still doesn't sit down. She's trying very hard not to lose her composure.

"Right again, deary."

Charlotte doesn't trust this woman. She's also wary of Narcissa, despite Narcissa's close relationship with Regulus. Plus... should she really believe that this woman – the one who just confessed to killing her father and confessed to attempting to murder her – has a proposal she'll agree to? No, this isn't... it's wrong.

"My baby cousin is playing you, you know that, right? Oh, don't give me the pouty look, I don't fall for such tricks." The woman smiles. What is her name? "But I'm not here to talk about Reggie. You know, when the Rosier heir told the important people about your affinity with dark magic, I didn't believe him. Everyone already knew about his personal fight with you, but then he said something about a pyramid statue you possess."

The Inferius Relic burns in her pocket.

"We, the important people, want it. I told the Dark Lord I'd be willing to make a deal with you for it. You live, and we get the artefact."

"What if I don't deliver what you want?" Charlotte tests the waters.

"Deary, we'll come and tear it off your dead body. You have until Halloween. You can deliver it personally to Lestrange Castle. And one more thing, deary..." There's a haunting smile on the woman's face. "Come alone."

Charlotte freezes as the woman passes her, and then it hits her. Bellatrix Lestrange. Or Black.

She's just been given a death sentence.

avery speaks!
hullo, i know this is short but writing long chapters is exhausting me atm, so you'll all just have to do with this shortness :') at least bella's made an appearance

[DISCONTINUED] I Know The End, Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now