𝐎𝟐𝟓. Interference, Thanks Barty!

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cw. talk of violence + actual violence.

October 9th 1978

"You need to apologise." Raina pokes her fork in Penelope's direction. It's a rare moment where she's sitting with just Penelope, now that Barty and Evan want to formerly induct Lukas in their 'group of guys' or whatever that means. It also means that the conversation of Charlotte cannot be avoided because of the many people talking over each other. "It's been a month. You said shit, she said shit. But you started shit so you have to finish it."

"She didn't even show up to Lukas' party, plus I'm still mad at her."

"Well, Lukas isn't mad that she didn't show up after how you've been icing her out. Really, it's just you that still doesn't want her around."

"So, you're really not going to say anything about that?"

Raina turns her head and smiles. Barty and Evan have hoisted Charlotte and Regulus on their shoulders, storming into the Great Hall like idiots, Lukas saunters behind them. She's glad Charlotte's found Regulus again, despite what it took for it to happen. But she's also worried that it will create a bit of drama now that it's obvious Charlotte's dating – is she? – Regulus. She doesn't care that Barty and Charlotte are close. What kind of girlfriend would she be if she didn't trust them? It's no use being jealous when someone is obviously just friends.

But it seems Parker Prewett doesn't really get the memo Charlotte's off limits. Raina wonders how well that will go over with Regulus, otherwise known as the most jealous man on the planet. Even Barty isn't that much of a lunatic when it comes to others hitting on her. Perhaps Parker doesn't value his life that much. Raina furrows her eyebrows when the Gryffindor just saunters up to the three Slytherins and the two Hufflepuffs, Head Boy badge on full display. Oh, she needs to interfere before Barty decides it's funny to knock him on his arse.

Sure enough, when she, and albeit reluctantly Penelope, gets to the five, Barty is taunting Parker. With the war. Raina scowls and wonders if Barty even thinks what consequences the war will have on others. She doubts he knows the severity of a war. Not all of them have knowledge about the Muggle wars because of befriending Charlotte at a younger age. Speaking of... Charlotte's chalk white. And hiding behind Regulus. Oh, this is so... this – why is Barty so insistent on having drama every single day?

"This is highly inappropriate Crouch!" Parker says, voice an octave higher.

"Ah, but it's the truth, isn't it? Isn't the truth just so wonderful? Blood pouring out of the people you thought you could save, seeing their dead bodies on the floor. Knowing that if you were in time, you might've saved one of them. No? Well, I think there's some beauty in knowing you can't save people." Barty's eyes light up. "Raina! Light of my life, I am so happy you're here. This moron thinks he can burst our little bubble with his incessant yapping about Fawley. You know? That teacher from last year."

[DISCONTINUED] I Know The End, Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now