𝐎𝟏𝟖. She Doesn't Date, Oh My!

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CW. drugging (it's pretty harmless but still wrong)

February 13th 1978
February 14th 1978

It's no secret Regulus is the one to convince Charlotte to come back to Hogwarts. Rumour has it little Gilderoy Lockhart saw them come through the gates leading to Hogsmeade, too close for comfort. But what do you do as a friend when there's so obviously secrets being kept from you? It's not as though it's logical for Regulus to be there for her, not by one bit. Her friends should've been the ones there for her, yet it's the dark and gloomy Black who brought her back.

"It's wrong, Lukas, and you know it, too. I want to give her the ability to choose who she wants to be with, but come on. Sirius Black's little evil brother? Honestly? It's bad enough Raina was dating Barty Crouch Jr. I can't deal with another evil Slytherin." Penelope rants as she gestures at Regulus and Charlotte a few tables away. The library is filled with students cramming in some studying. "Can't you see how he's poisoning her? I swear to Morgana, I will wring his little neck if he dares to – We can see you!"

"Penny, it's not that serious." Lukas whispers.

"Yes, it is. Lukas, do you not see how this is going to end? We all know what's going to happen to Black's left forearm. Just like we all know that it's going to happen with Evan and Barty. It's sweet that you think people are capable of change, but I don't think they are. Some people are just born awful."

"You don't even know Evan that well, you don't need to judge him. Look, I get wanting to protect Lola, but we're not her keepers. She can make her own choices. Doesn't she look a bit happier than she did ever since coming back from the holidays? Without Mr. Awful over there, I don't think we would've seen her again. She'd be gone. And now she's smiling."

Penelope scowls as she watches Charlotte snicker at something Regulus said. She doesn't want her friend to be charmed by this wizard. There is not a single chance that this is going to end in a happily ever after. It's not fair. It's not fair. She doesn't want to keep Charlotte from a good relationship, and even though she could pretend it was fine that they kissed – Charlotte can't date Regulus. Stupid Regulus. How has he even managed to figure out where she lives? Where the fuck did he get her address?

Just at the beginning of the school year they all thought it had been Regulus who landed Charlotte in the Hospital Wing. Now it seems that everyone has accepted him as part of the group because he puts on a nice person facade whenever he's with Charlotte. It's wrong, and Penelope will prove that this is not who he really is. Because he simply cannot be the person he pretends to be. Not after all that bickering and threatening. She will show Charlotte his true colours.

Regulus glances in their direction, and narrows his eyes at Penelope's glare. She doesn't like it for one bit. This is him planning to get rid of them. This is him finding weak spots within Charlotte so he can murder them all in cold blood. Has to be. She's made her mind up about him. When he even dares to lean in closer to Charlotte, Penelope thinks she can find the strength within herself to strangle him. Really, who does he think he is other than the replacement heir because Sirius couldn't live up to their family's standards?

[DISCONTINUED] I Know The End, Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now