𝐎𝟑𝐎. Haunted

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cw. mentions of a past bombing.

February 3rd 1979
February 4th 1979

"'Dark Lord claims victory over Ministry of Magic.' What the fuck does that mean for our exams?" Evan exclaims.

"Wrong thing to worry about." Raina reminds him.

Evan blinks a few times, then seems to have a moment of clarity. His line of sight goes to a little further down the table, where Lukas and Charlotte seem to be in a heavy argument about something. Never talking out loud, always signing. Unless others are involved in their conversation... He wonders what they're talking about, if it's about the news as well. He knows he has nothing to worry about aside from his exams, his father is well respected with the Dark Lord. Charlotte, however, is not as safe.

"Regulus meets his end soon." Pandora speaks up.

Raina opens her mouth to say something, but closes it again. She looks at Pandora in uncertainty, the blonde seems very certain of her statement. And then Pandora continues on as though she hasn't said one of them will die soon. Raina sneaks a glance at Regulus. He's not talking to Charlotte still, but the snide remarks have stopped. She wonders if it has anything to do with Evan finding Charlotte on her birthday. But Regulus seems not to care about his apparent upcoming doom.

He eats very little nowadays, they've all begun noticing. Everyone knows Charlotte's been his lifeline for the better part of the year. With her gone, it seems so is he. Fading away into nothingness. Perhaps why Pandora thinks he's going to die soon?

Raina also wonders why Charlotte's gone back to wearing the Black family heirloom if she no longer wants anything to do with Regulus. Everyone knows it's come from Regulus, everyone knows it's charmed. It's charmed. Has he put his magical signature in it and is it literally draining him when Charlotte wears it? Surely he's not that stupid to do so in the middle of a war. A war that has him on the... Raina pokes Barty with her elbow.

"Ow! What was that for?" He whines.

"What has Regulus done to that necklace around Lola's neck and is it killing him?" Raina hisses.

"I don't know about it killing him, more so... taking all his magic away. He said he needed to protect Charlotte. I don't know anything about what it'll do to him."

"He looks like he's dead already, we need to take it from Lola. Before he actually dies."

Barty sighs, and buries his head in Raina's shoulder so the rest of the group can't hear them talking. He doesn't need Regulus to know what they're going to do. "Is there ever a moment where Charlotte takes it off? If so, take it then and find me. We'll remove whatever spell he's put on it."

Charlotte and Lukas join the group, though they're glaring daggers at each other. Raina is not interested in what that's about. She's looking at the necklace, shining brightly in the morning light. The sun is also a star, and perhaps this heirloom was Regulus' way of telling Charlotte that he loves her. Constellations find one another all the time, right? She wonders if they will ever make it out. If there's a place in this world where they can be themselves without her needing to be the happiest, the kindest, and where Regulus can love someone just because he loves them. Not because he was forced into something.

[DISCONTINUED] I Know The End, Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now