Upon entering the room, Yuki immediately went to where Bakugou was and sat on the chair beside him. It was unusual of her to do so and Bakugou who was easily irritated felt his vein popped from annoyance.
He was about to tell her off when her gaze met his. Her eyes resembling that of the dead fish at the moment and he doesn't know why but her being like this irked him more than it did when she's all giddy.
"What's with you brat?" He grumbled, his voice firmly rough with frustration and annoyance from her screaming silence.
Gaining focus from hearing his voice, her eyes came back to light with that glint he was looking for. Bakugou breathed a sigh of relief which he masked with a cough.
Yuki smiled at his attempt to cover his concern, and decided to share the tea.
"You know Monoma, right?" She began as she asked him with voice laced with pure curiousity and interest.
"Yeah. The damn copycat. Why? You got a pretty little crush on the idiot?" He grumpily asked as he stared back at her with eyes coated darkly with venom.
He was gonna laugh at her if she does.
That's what he thinks he'll really do but first he has to confirm it. So, in attempt of patience, he waited long enough for an answer but was left there brimming with frustration and impatience when she remained silent.
The feelings he had strongly portrayed a while ago were washed away by the heavy weight that had inhabited his chest during her silence.
His patience had worn thin and was replaced by frustration, even his sneer was washed down into a down sided line.A bit overwhelmed by the unexpected silence his stare fell out of her golden irises as he got lost in his own thoughts.
In fact, he realized how much of a phenomenon she is to him. She was so open and bright but was also so close and vague at the same time, and honestly, ever since she came to his life he had undergone many unexplainable things that he didn’t really want to invest his time on finding it all out. It was not worth it. Last time's enough for him, no more grumbling about it. He promised himself that and yet here he was again confused on his own thoughts and feelings.
He snapped out of his own reverie and returned his gaze to her eyes when he heard her little laugh.
"Why, you jealous?" She playfully whispered as she closes their distance, his ears perked up at her words and turning into a shade of crimson.
He was genuinely surprised by her question. So startled that he couldn't stop his stutter.
"W-what? What a-are you saying you dumbass?! Me, the great explosion murder god? Jealous?! Ha! Are you kidding me?!" He shouted as he stood up to which she started snickering at and hugged her stomach in the process.
He was left flabbergasted as she continued laughing. She was so beauti- No. He did not just thought about her.
"Yes. I'm just joking! Why are you so triggered? You probably should sit down Bakugou. Come on, sit." She stated when she calmed down a little but still a few giggle broke out as she held his hand and pulled him a little bit to sit down.
"Hah! Who do you think you are..." He grumbled angrily as he let her pull him down. His eyes lingering at their intertwined hands, and thinking about how soft her hand is tangled to his rough one.
"So... what about him?" He hesitantly asked after he sat down comfortably on his chair.
He's so confused. One thing he says not to think of anything related to her, the second he goes on ahead full throttle and think about it even asking her himself. He feels like he's going insane, but there's this thing in the back of his head that keeps telling him to ask her, like he just have to know.
So, he did asked, serving his self with an excuse that it might be somehow related to him, so he's gonna push through even if he's not sure whether his reason's valid.
"I don't like him that way you know." She joked and snickered when his face showed visible irritation at her little taunting. "Okay, fine. I just encountered him a while ago, that's it."
"Freak, you wouldn't just ask me about him if that's the only thing that has taken place. Did he do something to you?" His voice was lace with sincere concern that it was now her turn to be flabbergasted. Bakugou 'freaking' Katsuki was showing her concern when the look he could only show her before were only looks of irritation, arrogance, and well beauty. But let’s forget she said the last one.
"Well, we just have a little verbal fight?...Can I really call it like that though? But all's well though, I won haha." She laugh a little as she scratch her cheek, not really sure if she's making any sense to him. She felt the intensity of his stare at her that she could feel her ears slowly turning red and hot.
This time, Bakugou smirked and turned to his front. "Good." He said compliment her woth her victory.
Yuki would love to lengthen their talk when she got interrupted by the opening door, signaling the arrival of their beloved adviser, so she hurriedly went to her own seat before she got scolded by their teacher.
Bakugou's eyes following her every movement in the process and chuckled when she got caught by Aizawa despite her lil efforts of escaping his eyes.
Mina turned to look at Kirishima and Denki, the trio sharing the same expression as they witness the whole interaction between the two.
“Today, we’ll be having a quiz.”
But the look they shared together soon crumbled into mortified ones.
“Oh, shit!”
“I didn’t review.”
Hence, traumatized by the quiz, the three completely forgot about the scene that has transpired between the two.

Fall. (K.Bakugou ff)
Fanfiction"It was a fateful descent..." I said staring at him. "Yeah... You're clearly after me since the very first time we've met." He responded, a smirk pasted on his lips. "Hey!" BAKUGOU x OC Set in the Class A's third year in UA. ________________________...