Third Person's POV,
Bakugou entered the room with his signature grumpy expression painted on his good looking face. His hands were hidden in his pocket and his shoulders in their usual slouch as he walks towards his designated seat. He was like that eversince he went out of his room when he was in the hallway he kept glaring down at everyone he caught staring in his direction even if they were only schoolmates or juniors who were fangirling over him, they were not excluded from the radar of his venom-filled glare.
It's not new, but yes, he's down again in a bad mood. The reason, well that one's kinda new, and it was of a woman. He keep noticing it, it was like recently she had always been the reason of his mood swings, his anger... his doubt and he doesn't want to admit it, that even in his sadness and.... happiness, she had a part of it, and its confusing him so much. He doesn't want to have any involvement with things as nonsensical as romance yet he also doesn't want her ignoring him like he was a freaking fly hovering around her nonsensically.
The crease in his forehead only narrowed when he caught sight of her. What's more is that she was having so much fun with Kaminari. She was laughing so hard that he wonders how funny could Kaminari be, sure, he's funny when he's making fun of himself... he can be quite an airhead but, does she really have to laugh so hard... and playfully slap his friend in the arm?
When did they become so close?
It was only like two days since she came back and now she's that close with him? How is that possible?!!
It has been two days since Yuki came back to class, yet there is no such thing like clear reconciliation happening between the two. This time it was Yuki who have gone cold and it was like he's in a silent fight with her.
He's literally frozen everytime he gazes at her direction since he wasn't able to do anything about it... about his current reality.
He's being ignored, well kinda? She talks to him when it comes to their practices, yet it was always about training solos.
Apparently, she doesn't want to be in his presence, that's when he really felt it. He understands her though, just he cant seem to accept how this all turned out, though it's his own fault to begin with.
He already confessed how all the things he had spoken were just slips of the tongue and that he was just not really in the mood at that time and she said okay but that was just it. She didn't go back to the way she was with him anymore, it's like she had built a wall and it's already blocking him out of her space.
He was fine with it, at least he had already said his apologies, that's what he thought.
On his way to his seat, his eyes met briefly with hers but she had withdrawn her sight from him and continued talking to Uraraka.
He slumped on his seat quite loudly gaining the attention of the entire student body, well, except for her.
He clicked his tongue and glared at everyone. "Stop looking at me, dumbasses." He yelled, irritation vivid in his vermillion colored eyes.
"Relax, dude." Kirishima approached him and tried to coax his angry friend. "You seem to be in a bad mood. Did something happen?"
He only spared his friend a glimpse and turned his attention in front as he fall into a silent mess.
"Say, Bakugou... Did something happened between the two of you?" His eyes slowly glared at the pinky toned girl who appeared in front of him out of the blue. He was not expecting her.
For the first time she caught him by surprise and it shocked her too.
"Seriously, what did you do?"
Mina chased his gaze which in turn he tried to evade. Those curiousity filled eyes only irritates him but in any case it only made the former more intrigued.
"Did you confessed and mess it all up?" Her question made Bakugou snapped and glare at her.
"What are you saying? Why would I do that?"
"...because you like... her?!!!" Her voice echoed in the room causing everyone to turn their attention back to their place.
Bakugou stared at her in shock.
"You like her...bag!" She shouted again trying to disguised her slip of the tongue.
"Ahaha, that wasn't on purpose..." She whispered as she looked at the fuming Bakugou.
"Tch. Go away."
To her utter surprise, there was no sudden outburst contrary to the glaring eyes he was sporting. It was like he was trying to contain it which was rather a first.
Mina had her head in a slight tilt with her two fingers rested on her chin. She moved closer to his face.
It was a rare sight for her, seeing Bakugou trying to control his temper.
"Seriously... did you tell her and got rejected? Sure, she doesn't seem to like you that way but... was it that harsh to such extent huh, Bakugou?"
But the latter did not paid her attention anymore. She's not worthy of his time so instead of wasting his attention on her again, he laid his head on his crossed arms on the table. He's not going to give her his time any longer because for him it was just a nonsensical topic, too irrelevant. Rather he had his mind occupied on how he's going to handle the current situation he had with her since he doesn't want things to remain awkward.
Sure, it seems fine at first but still he just doesn't want to become a stranger again, at least not to her that is what he had come to realize.

Fall. (K.Bakugou ff)
Fanfiction"It was a fateful descent..." I said staring at him. "Yeah... You're clearly after me since the very first time we've met." He responded, a smirk pasted on his lips. "Hey!" BAKUGOU x OC Set in the Class A's third year in UA. ________________________...