Chapter 8: Chapter 8

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couldn't think of a chapter title so it's just chapter 8

George should've felt alarm when he heard Dream and the prince were walking around together, but disappointment and denial wrestled around his chest. Techno insisted they refuse Dream's return to the castle, but George was sure there was an explanation.

The next report said Dream was waiting on a reply and being treated like a guest by the prince until then. The last said Dream was on his way back.

The next morning George was tenser than usual, knowing Techno was prepared to attack at the smallest sign Dream was disloyal.

The masked man entered and put a letter in front of George. "So bad news. I might've been caught."

"And?" George asked.

"And he didn't call the guards or anything. He just called me a guest and made me go on a ride while he 'thought of a response.' But I was on Spirit the whole time, I could've bolted if I needed to."

"I told you not to wait for a response." George kept his eyes on the letter, itching to open it already.

"I know, but he wanted me to, and he seemed honest. Trust me, I have good instincts."

Techno scoffed.

"Any news on the last sniper?" Dream asked him.

Techno's eyes narrowed. "No, but we're forming a plan."

"Hurry it up, then."

"Dream," George cut in. "Please stay for lunch."

Dream nodded. This time Techno himself stood guard silently as they ate. George talked with Dream again, but they were both more reserved and spoke less of personal things.

George invited Dream officially to stay at the castle until he'd prepared another letter. Dream agreed to hang around, but refused the offer of a guest bedroom, insisting that he'd feel uneasy behind so many walls and had a place nearby to sleep.

George left him to wander and Techno assigned guards to follow him around. Then he and Techno receded to his study to go over the new letter. Techno made some remarks about the prince's immaturity, and restated his suspicion about Dream. George countered with questions as to how the Viridians would benefit from faking such an exchange, and reminding him that he was only 20 and Prince Clay barely a year or two younger. They disagreed until George moved on to work on other things that needed his attention and Techno went to get a report on the investigation.

Dream left before dinner, either bored or wanting to avoid Techno or both. George didn't blame him, but he was surprised that he cared enough to be disappointed at the missing company. He figured it was due to eating alone for so long, the change had been pleasant.

Days passed, George sent Dream with another letter and knew he walked openly around the castle with the other prince. He felt uneasy about it, but not in the way he expected.

Dream came back and made jokes about George and left again and came back. The castle got used to him. The letters became a regular part of George's life, and he found himself looking forward to Dream's return with a new one, but not just for the letter.



Dream quite liked George's castle. They had different books in the plethora of libraries than the castles he'd lived in. He was wandering around after reading one day and wondering if George ever ate snacks before dinner when he passed a window and stopped.

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