Chapter 10: Parents

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George refrained from checking on Dream again for as long as he could. He promised himself he'd finish one bit of paperwork, then another, then after this one he was really going to, but there was a knock on his door.


It was Grian. He bowed. "Sire."

George's blood rushed in his veins and he stood so fast the chair fell over. Something terrible had to have happened. Dream bled out and died because George knocked him over, or he had a reaction to the healing magic and it was too late to fix it, or someone from Duresh snuck in and murdered him for carrying messages, or-

"It's Dream."

"Yes, spit it out!"

"He's disappeared."

"Disappeared? How?!" George's hands clutched the wooden table edge in relief. He was furious at Dream; after all, George thought he put enough guards around to at least notice his flight from the castle, but apparently his thief was sneakier than even he believed. But at least he wasn't dead. Yet.

"He was gravely injured!"

"I know, sire." Grian nodded in sympathy and guilt. "He was gone when I awoke. I think his brush with death made him eager to see his family again as soon as possible."

"Yes. It likely did." George was angry at himself for letting him get away when he was injured, but it really was Dream's fault for being so stubborn in the first place.

"Do you think he'll be okay?"

Grian didn't comment on the concern in his king's voice. "He has a very high endurance, your highness, and I wouldn't be surprised if he knew how to clean and treat his own wounds; his type are always getting into some scrape or another. I think he will be fine. If you wish, you can lock him in the dungeons when he returns."

"Right." George was picturing him on a horse somewhere, gritting his teeth against the pain as he rode to assure his father he was alright.

"Yes, right. Thank you, you are excused."

Grian bowed and left.

George moved from his desk to slowly and regally pace. Should I send a search party? I don't even have a cardinal direction for them. I could put up royal summons for the Green Thief again. Maybe he wants to resign because of the danger.

George thought of their recent conversations. Dream hadn't acted any less eager to be around him. He really is like a hyper puppy. Except for his blasted flirtiness.

George's hands were sweating thinking about that trickster smile. No, no. He'll come back on his own. I just have to wait.

He let out a slow breath and forced himself to sit down, turning his chair to look out the window. Sun pierced the clouds in patches over shingled rooftops and behind them, the forested hills gently rolling downwards. His land was beautiful.

Dream was right, he should go look at it more often.

A carriage was ready in half an hour. He changed into more comfortable clothes—still blue and silver-trimmed, of course—then they asked where to go. Right, a destination.

George looked to grumpy Techno up on his equally grumpy chestnut mare. "Where is your home, Captain?"

The broad-shouldered man winced. "Are you sure that is where you wish to go?"

"Yes, let's check in on the kids." George hid a smile as he climbed into the carriage—almost knocking his crown off—and rolled up the window curtains to get fresh air.

King and Lionheart [Dreamnotfound AU]Where stories live. Discover now