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I opened my eyes and saw the same two boys who were practically eating me alive staring down at me as I was lying on the ground.

"Is she alive?" The one with cornrows asked the other, making him shrug.
-"How am I supposed to know?" He replied with a hint of sass in his voice, clearly getting annoyed.
-"Her eyes are open..what does that mean?"
-"it means she's alive, are you stupid?!" The one with locs said in annoyance, smacking his lips.

I touched my neck to feel the bite marks and feeling blood on my fingertips.
"So you remember?.." The one with cornrows asked. I winced when I saw his fangs, knowing that those caused these wounds that are probably gonna be with me for the rest of my life.

"You bit me.." I say, my eyes half closed due to the light shining in my face.
-"We needed it for survival." The one with locs said.
-"Like we weren't already basically dead waiting for someone to bleed and awaken us." The other said making the other roll his eyes in annoyance and smacking him in the head.
-"Shut the fuck up!" He said and looked down at me.

"We're vampires and your blood is what keeps us alive." He said and I didn't know what to think at this point.
-"Are you afraid of us?" The one with cornrows asked.
-"What do you think?" The other asked while looking at him with a serious face.
-"No shit I am.." I say.
-"exactly!" The one with locs said.

"What is yalls Name? If y'all have one.." I asked curiously.
-"I'm Bill." The boy with the locs replied.
-"I'm Tom." The other with the cornrows said.

"You?" They asked.
-"Y/n.." I responded.

"We're not gonna hurt you, we just need your blood to live." Bill said like that was supposed to make me feel any better.
-"I could die from losing so much blood, the fuck?" I scoff.
-Trust me, you won't die. Our saliva carries a special antidote that prevents mortal wounds. You'll heal quickly." Tom explained.

"What the fuck?.." I mumbled.
-"That sounded so fucking stupid but I promise you, we're not here to harm you. We just need your blood to survive, you won't die, I swear." Bill said.
-"Soo..is that a yes?" Tom asked making me nod slightly and re-thinking my life choices.
-"Thank you" He smiled softly and placed his hand onto my neck before sinking his fangs into my skin again. I wince in pain as I feel his fangs go into my recent wounds.
-"You'll be fine, trust. It'll be over soon." Bill said and held my hand tightly.
-"This is a crime.." I mumbled as I shut my eyes due to the pain Tom was causing.

"We're not breaking any laws, love. This is our survival." Bill shrugged.
-"Y'all are breaking the law by existing.."
-"but we're still here, aren't we?" He chuckled.
'Why does he have such an attitude?' I thought.

"I don't know how.."
-"You don't need to understand, just know that we're grateful for your help." Bill smiled as Tom finally pulled away from my neck, licking his lips and fangs.
-"Thank you, Y/n." Tom smiled and Bill grabbed my neck gently, leaning in against my neck. I felt his warm breath close to my ear and winced slightly when he sank his fangs into my neck on the other side where he left wounds.

"He's gonna drink a lot..just thought you'd like to know." Tom shrugged and wiped his mouth.
-"Why would I like to know that?" I groan as I felt his fangs sink deeper into my skin.
-"uhm, yeah, he's also very rough when it comes to food..believe me when I say he doesn't play about his food." Tom flashed me a small smile, making me even more horrified.

After awhile, Bill pulls away from my neck. I put my hand up to my neck, applying pressure onto it to prevent anymore blood from flowing out of the wound.

"Thank you." He said and licked his lips.
-"You're welcome, I guess.." I say and stood up from the ground, making my way back up from the basement.
-"Please make sure to visit us every morning and night." Bill said with pleading eyes.

"Alright.." I smile slightly and they waved goodbye as I did the same.
I went back up and shut the door to the basement, grabbing a rag and placing it on either sides of my neck, stopping the blood coming from my neck. I groan softly as I feel the pain starting to kick in. I had a huge headache and I felt like throwing up.

I knew I couldn't go to the doctor 'cause they'll ask how I got these and how will I explain to them that I have vampires in my basement? They won't believe that.

So I thought of the best thing to do. I mean, it's the only thing I could do at the moment. I put on a huge bandage on both sides of my neck, hoping it'll heal it like any other wound.

I washed the blood off my hands and pressed the button, making the bookshelf go back into its original state.

I drank some water and took some Advil for my headache. I headed up to my room and decided I was gonna go to sleep after this weird day that I never would've thought I'd experience.

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