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Me, Tom, and Bill got dressed to go out together. I promised them that I would take them out to explore.

We headed to Hot Topic and Bill found a lot of things he liked. Tom on the other hand was making weird faces and tried flirting with the cashier which she fell for.

I bought Bill a couple of things and we headed to a clothing store where Tom found clothes that he liked. I had to carry 4 bags for this dude.

Paparazzi began to show up and take pictures and asking questions.
"Y/n! Who are these people?!"
-"What are you doing for your new movie?"
-"When's your next photoshoot?!"

I ignore them and pushed past them as Bill gave me a look of confusion. They didn't know I was famous and were probably wondering why there was so many people snapping photos at me and following me all over the place.

We decided to go someplace else and put the bags into my car and played some music on the way to who knows where.

"Why was there so many people following you like creeps?" Bill asked.
-"I'm an actor and model, so people tend to follow me everywhere. Apparently it's their job." I say, turning to park the car.
-"what do they do with the photos?" Tom asked.
-"they post them online for everyone else to see."
-"oh, so we've been hanging with someone famous this whole time and we didn't know?" Tom scoffed.
-"That explains the giant house with six guest bedrooms." Bill says.
-"Oh, my god! That's right!" Tom said, smacking his forehead.

We stepped out of the car and Tom pointed at a store.
"Can we check that store out?" He asked and I nodded. We entered the store and Tom gasped, looking all over the place.

Here was some beautiful guitars and drums with other different instruments. Tom seemed to find interest in the guitars and examined every one of them, tuning them every chance he got.

"Do you even know what they're called?" I asked as I ran my fingers against the strings.
-"It says right here. They're called guitars, duh" he rolled his eyes.
-"Okay, my bad!" I scoff and Bill shakes his head, clearly getting annoyed by the both of us.
-"You don't even know how to play it." I said, making him nudge me.
-"There's always a first time for everything." He shrugged.

I shake my head as he continued to look at the guitar. Bill got bored of watching his brother look at the guitars and he left to look at some other instruments, learning the name of every single one and examining how they worked.

Tom eventually came up to me and asked if he could get a guitar.
"If I get you a guitar, I better see you play it." I say, making him nod.

I bought the guitar and he was strumming it in the car. He was trying to learn each chord and I promised him that I would help him since I played guitar back in 6th grade.

Before we went back home, we stopped by a milkshake shop and got some yummy milkshakes which they both fell in love with. After that, we drove home and set everything we bought on the couches. Bill in the other hand didn't like being messy and took it up to his room where he began to organize everything. They're the opposite of each other and I love that about them.

Tom and I sat on the couch where I taught him each chord. We started off slow and eventually started building up. Surprisingly he was a fast learner and got the hang of it. Before we knew it, he was already playing his own guitar chords. He was really good and I was impressed.

Bill started writing down songs and has a really good voice for singing. I was so proud of them that I felt like their mother. At this point I am for keeping them in my house rent free. Speaking of rent free, I need them to pay up for real.

-"rent money" I say, extending my hand out to them. Bill looked at me confusingly and placed his hand on top of mine.
-"Money?" He tilted his head, holding my hand in his.
-"Yeah, you guys are living rent free in my home." I explain.
-"Oh, Tom can deal with that." He said, pulling his hand away from mines.
-"Me?! Why me?" He scoffed as he leaned into the couch, holding his guitar.

"I'm just playing with you! I don't need rent money." I pat their heads before heading the to kitchen.
-"you got us there, you bitch." Tom rolled his eyes.
-"Excuse me?"
-"I'm sorry! It was an accident! I didn't mean to! I swear! It just slipped out, I'm sorry, Y/n!" He said, looking back at me, panic feeling his eyes.
-"Don't let that word slip out your mouth again, Tom or we'll be throwing hands." I warn him and he nods.
-"I'll try.."

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