𝒯𝙝𝙚 ℛ𝙚𝙖𝙡 𝒲𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙ᝰ

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While I was doing my makeup, Bill came up to me and asked, "what's the real world like?"

"The real world is scary." I responded.
-"scary? How?" He asked, sitting on my bed where I can see him in the mirror.
-"Not everyone is as nice as me and Kim." I replied, blending my foundation.
-"Oh. Were they born that way?" He tilts his head.
-"Rude, mean people grew up with no manners. Nice people would have probably grew up with manners." I shrug and he nods in understanding.

"I wanna meet the real world someday." He said.
-"Maybe" I shrug.
-"That would be nice, right?" He asked.
-"Really nice. I like the thought of you and Tom seeing the real world. Maybe, just maybe you and him might just turn into humans or something, and you two could go out in the sun and enjoy the breeze." I smiled softly and he grins.

"You think theres something that could turn us into human?" He asks.
-"I'm not sure." I shrug.
-"I'm no scientist."
-"right" he smacked his lips.

Once I was done with my makeup, he asked if I could help him with his.
I then began to help with his makeup, giving him steps so he could learn how to do it himself.

"Woah, you did so good!" He grinned as he saw his reflection in the mirror.
-"Thank you" I smile and pay his head.
-"what is love in the real world?" He asks.

"Love is difficult." I sigh.
-"how come?"
-"They tend to cheat. Both genders are no good." I say.
-"Have you ever been in a relationship?" He asked.
-"Yes, about four relationships. They all cheated." I shrug and he gasps.
-"I don't understand how they could do that to you. You're such an amazing person." He frowned slightly.
-"Awh, thanks. Men are complicated. They love you one day and dislike you the other." I explain.

"Do you think a girl would ever like me?"
-"Yeah, I believe so. That girl from the party must've liked you very much." I chuckle.
-"oh, no..I didn't like her." He forces a smile on his face, clearly making a disgusted expression.
-"Me either but I'm sure there's plenty of girls who would wanna date you. You're sweet, kind, and loving. You have everything that a girl would ask for in a man." I smiled softly, looking at his reflection in the mirror.

We were then interrupted by Tom barging into my room, singing.
"What is loaf?!"
"Oh.." I say, clearly not impressed by his singing skills.
-"What was that singing? Don't do it again." Bill said, looking at Tom and Tom gasping.
-"are you even Bill?" He asked, examining Bill's makeup.
-"Obviously?" Bill rolled his eyes.

"Do you think Tom will find love?" Bill asked, sighing deeply.
-"With that singing? No." I say.
-"My singing is beautiful." He crossed his arms up against his chest.
-"Right but yeah. I think he could find love if he wanted to. I saw the girls all up on him." I laugh and he bows.
-"what can I say? I'm a ladies man." He shrugged.

"Boy, shut up." I roll my eyes.
"My apologizes, Mom!" He rolled his eyes sarcastically.
-"I might as well be your fucking Mom." I say in annoyance.
-"Whatever" he said and made his way over towards us.

"That's why you're single." Tom said, breaking the silence.
-"That's why you can't go in the sun."
-"That's why the beauty didn't pass on you"
-"That's why your forehead is extending and poking out saying, "hello"."
-"That's why..uh, you don't-You don't have..uh, a girl-boyfriend."
-"I'm pretty sure you already said something like that." I shrug and he rolls his eyes.

"I will drag you outside if you keep doing that shit." I say and he backs up, putting up his hands in surrender.
-"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." He apologized.
-"you better be." I said and Bill giggles, covering his mouth while looking at Tom.
-"Shut up." Tom said and left the room, in his feelings.

"You didn't have to say that about his forehead." Bill snorted.

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