𝒩𝙚𝙬 𝒫𝙧𝙚𝙮⋆

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After me and my sister finished hanging out, we headed to my house.

"I could never do this." She shook her head as she looked at my house.
-"Stop being dramatic." I sigh and we head into my house, feeling the cold breeze on our skin.

"Oh, I was expecting it to look spooky in here." She said and I rolled my eyes.
-"There's plenty of rooms so you could just choose any of them." I shrug as she nods and heads upstairs to choose a room.

I remembered that I left my fruit on the counter, groaning sadly, I made my way over to the fruit which was now soggy.
"Seriously?.." I mumble and throw it away. This broke my heart..
I placed my dish in the sink, cooking some food for me and my sister as she chose herself a room.

She eventually came down and we ate. This was the perfect opportunity to tell her about the creatures in my basement.

"Okay, Kim..I have something important to tell you." I say.
-"What? Are you pregnant?.." she gave me a shocked look, making me look at her weirdly.
-"are you calling me fat?" I scoff.
-"No! I didn't mean it in that way!" She shook her head.
-"I was joking! But I think I have to show you, but I need you to promise me that you won't freak out." I say.

"Why would I?" She shrugs.
-"I'll show you once we're done eating."

Once we were done eating, I place our dishes into the sink and pressed the button on my bookshelf, making it move, obviously, we've done this before.
"Oh, that's cool." She says.

I grab my flashlight and opened the basement door.
"If you die, I'm not responsible." She says as she peeks inside the basement.
-"Come on" I say in annoyance as we made our way downstairs.

I turned on the light switch and they weren't there..again.
"Nice basement." She said sarcastically.
-"Haha" I laugh sarcastically.

"Alright, for real, what am I looking at?" She asked.
-"Oh, look! Right there!" I say and point to the bats staring down at us from a closet.

"Eh..why do you have bats in your basement, Y/n?" She asked, her voice slightly filled with terror.
-"They're actually nice. I mean, at least one." I shrug.
-"Uh, are you okay, Y/n?" She laughed.
-"You said you wouldn't freak out." I sigh.
-"I wasn't expecting bats!" She put her hands up in surrender.

I smack my lips and called for the bats, making one of them fly towards us.
"Woah!" Kim said as she backed away, holding onto my arm.
-"I don't think this is safe, Y/n.." she whispered and I put the bat in her face, making her yell.
-"Y/n, stop! That isn't funny!" She backed away, almost hitting the bat with her hand.
-"Don't hit him, you'll hurt it." I said and it flew off my arm, the lights flickering and revealed Tom standing right in front of us.

"What the fuck?!" Kim yelled in shock.
-"My ears.." Tom mumbled as he put his hands up against his ears.
Bill flew and turned back into a vampire.
-"Y/n, I don't think these are supposed to exist." Kim laughed nervously.
-"Another prey." Bill grinned, making her look at me in horror.

-"Don't listen to them, but this is Tom and Bill." I say as Tom waves at her, smiling softly.
-"what's your name?" Bill asked.
-"Kim.." she responded hesitantly.

"Stop showing fear, they're nice." I nudge her.
-"They just turned from a bat to a human!"
-"oh, I'm sorry, you got us mixed up with you humans." Bill said and put his hand against his chest.
-"what he's trying to say is that we're vampires." Tom shrugged.

-"Don't tell anybody though." I tell her as she nods.
-"I won't.." she nods slightly.

"Will you share your blood with us?" Tom asked, making her give him a weird look.
-"Definitely not."
-"Oh, come on!" He groaned.
-"Guess we have to feed on Y/n still." Bill shrugged.
-"I don't wanna share the same blood with you." Tom gagged.
-"me and Kim are basically the same blood." I roll my eyes.

"You let them drink your blood?" Kim asked, making me nod.
-"won't you die?"
-"No, I already did this, like, four times and I'm still here. The wounds will heal overnight." I shrug.
-"oh, okay..cool" she fake smiles.

"Soo?.." Tom raised a brow.
-"No." she smiles softly.
-"Seriously!" He groaned.
-"She Said no, get over it." Bill sighed.

"Why such an attitude?" Kim asked.
-"He was born that way." Tom looked at Bill with a stank face, making Bill side eye him.
-"Don't even" Bill sighed.

"Told you" Tom whispered.
-"fun fact: He can't whisper for shit." Bill snorted.
-"Stop being so mean, that's supposed to be me for being older." Tom scoffed.
-"By 10 minutes." Bill said.

"And I'm still older." Tom shrugged.
-"Nobody asked, Tom." Bill sighed.

"You guys need to stop arguing, I'm not a babysitter." I say.
-"Whatever" they both said and turned back into bats, flying out of the basement and up to my house.
-"Wait, No!" I yell as me and Kim ran up the basement stairs and up to my house.

"Tom and Bill, get back in the basement!" I yelled.
-"They're bats..They're not gonna listen to you." Kim said.

"Oh, my god.." I sigh and I have no idea where they went.
-"I'm definitely not sleeping tonight." Kim shook her head.
-"You'll live." I smack my lips.

"They'll come back, they need their food." I say.
-"Right.." Kim nodded.
-"They're lucky the sun wasn't out."
-"why?" Kim asked.
-"are you stupid?" I looked at her with a serious face.

"My bad.." she mumbled.

Eventually they both came flying back while me and Kim were watching a movie in the living room. They spawned right in between up, squishing the both of us.

"Woah!" Kim said as she moved to give them some space.
-"sorry." Bill apologize.
-"I'm hungry" Tom said as he looked at me.
-"Me too" Bill said as he also looked at me.

"That's crazy. You have to feed both of them." Kim laughed.
-"I wouldn't have to if you just helped." I roll my eyes as I roll up my sleeve, extending it to Tom to which he gladly took and bit me. I wince slightly and Kim looks at Tom drinking my blood, giving a weird look.

"Don't die, Y/n.." Kim whispered.
-"She'll be fine." Bill said.

Tom eventually pulled away and Bill switched spots with him. I gave him the same arm but he wanted to other one.
He grabbed my other arm and sank his teeth into my skin. I groan in pain when I feel the pain sting my arm.
Why is he so aggressive?! I thought as I shut my eyes.

After what felt like years, he pulled away and I went to clean my arms before applying a bandage on my wounds.

"Okay, go back to your home." I say and point to the basement but they ignored me and flew away, back upstairs and Kim just laughed.
-"I hope they end up in your room." I say and her smile faded away.

"Oh, no.."

After the movie finished, we went to our rooms. I brushed my teeth and changed into my pj's, then went straight to bed.

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