The life of Stone

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Hey guys Violet here hope you enjoy the first chapter and got to see Adrianna daily lifestyle now on to Stone's. Slight trigger warning for alcohol and smoking.

Stone POV:

I said "Hey see the boy with black hair sleeping in the alleyway with two other kids that's me my name is Stone. And I live in the poor part of ramshackle." I lay on the floor because I had a wicked handover from to much drinking at Oliver Hansen bar the younger brother of the Mayor of this town. A girl said "Stone come on get up we need to get breakfast." I *got up and said *holding a bottle* "Ah I'm up Vinnie." The boy named Skipp said "Gosh Stone did you sleep okay." I said "No it was too cold out for me to sleep since you keep hogging the blanket." Skipp said "Im sorry Stone." I got up and put my hand in my jacket pocket to grab a cigarette and my lighter."

I lit my cigarette and started smoking as I followed my friends Vinnie and Skipp. Vinnie said "Ok guys what should we steal today." She look at me I said "Why are you looking at me idk. I'm going for a walk to clear my head have fun getting food." Skipp said "Ok be careful Stone old buddy." I said "Skipp stop calling me that." I left and walk down the alley to the streets I was sighing as I see people continue their normal lives stealing. But I knew today was going to be the same thing everyday nothing good ever happens in this town.

Until I was walking down the streets sipping my bottle and smoking till I saw her. I said "It can't be." I hid behind a trash can thinking that I was imagining or too loopy from sleep but I swore I saw the Mayor's daughter walking in my neighborhood. I took a tiny peak to see for sure and to my surprise it was Adrianna Hansen walking down the street smoking a cigarette. I said "She's smoking just like me I guess little miss perfect has a dark secret." I see her walking so I follow her to see what she was doing normally it was really rare to see someone from upper class come threw this area with all the gossip about this area.

I see her stop at Dante newspaper stand carrying a stack of newspapers. I said "Where is she going with those newspapers I doubt she sells them herself with all that money her daddy got I'm sure she's just some saint. But I never seen her smoke before." I see she stop and said her good mornings to the twins she always comes to see them. I see she drops the papers said her goodbyes and walk away to think that she was the most beautiful girl in town. Then I heard Vinnie said "Stone are you done mopping and stuff we're hungry come on we need you to help us steal some fruit from the fruit stand." I said "Sure whatever but you better hope we don't get caught."

Skipp said "Aw Stone you worry to much." I said "I don't ok we already almost got caught stealing and playing schemes." Vinnie said "Realx Stone we got to survive out here we're all we got if we wanna live. Plus besides this town doesn't care about us and our neighborhood it's all about those fancy snobs." I said "I get it Vinnie let's just go please before I throw up and pass out." Vinnie said "So how should we trick the stand keeper this time." Stone said "We could distract him I do know how to play the fiddle." Vinnie said "Distraction perfect but who should be the bait." Skipp and Vinnie lion at me I said "No I've been it last time no I refuse." Vinnie said "Fine Skipp you do it since Mr goth grumpy boy won't do it." Skipp said "Ok let's go." Vinnie and Skipp walk away but I kept thinking about Adrianna Hansen smoking and I wonder how she managed to hid her smoking. Then Vinnie said *Shouted* "YO STONE ARE YOU COMING OR NOT." I said "Coming." I drop my bottle and cigarette and started walking to them.

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