Hanging with Vinnie, Skipp and Stone

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Hey guys Violet here hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. This chapter is inspired by the thesis film that Zeddyzi made check it out so enjoy. Slight Warning for drinking, smoking and guns.

Adrianna POV:

I was in my bathroom brushing my teeth because today was Sunday the perfect day to hang out in the slums with Skipp, Vinnie and Stone. Vinnie mentioned a saloon not too far from the city something about playing poker. But I would do just about anything if it means I get to hang out with Stone. Just being with him made my heart flutter when I think about him. I pack the usual stuff but what was good was that I pack a bottle of really good Irish whiskey that my uncle used to give to my dad. I pack it and sneaked out through the balcony. Jump to the tree and climbed down and ran down the streets. Making my way to meet up with them it would be exciting.

Stone POV:

We were waiting for Adrianna outside of the saloon we were excited I guess but at least she was gonna be here to keep me company. Vinnie said "So you waiting for your girl." I looked at Vinnie and said "She's not my girl ok she just some rich girl trying to have fun with a couple of scraps." Secretly I was lying I really wanted Adrianna to be my girlfriend but I didn't know how to tell her I like her. Then we saw her waving at us Skipp said "Adrianna you came." Adrianna said "Yeah sorry had to make use i wasn't seen." Vinnie said *put a hand on her back* "Glad to have ya with us again come on we're just about to play."

We walked inside the saloon and sat down of course I sat next to Adrianna. We watch Vinnie she was playing poker with 2 men guess they were hillbillies. Vinnie said *removing the cards from her face* "Gold fish." I said "Vinnie we're playing poker. Adrianna said "Yeah wrong game." Vinnie said "I know what I'm doing." Me and Adrianna drank our bottles of whiskey while Skipp said "Actually I think we just won." Vinnie said "See." Then one guy said "How in the hell did I lose to a bunch of street rats." I was drunk while Adrianna stop drinking and said "Beginners luck." The other guy said "Hey they must be cheating."

Vinnie said "Cheating do we look like cheaters to you." I was so drunk that I slam my head on the table I lift my head to look at them and they had there guns Adrianna said "Shit." We got up and ran out of the saloon still running and Vinnie said "Now all we gotta do is get out alive." They still fired their bullets at us me and Adrianna looked at her and she said " What." I said "Me and Adrianna are planning the next scheme." Vinnie said "Hey you wanna survive on the street you gotta be a little chaotic." Vinnie took an apple and I got slap in the face by a fish.

Adrianna POV:

I heard Skipp said "Guys over there." Vinnie said "See be more like Skipp." We ran and ride through the streets in a tiny wooden wagon Skipp said "Aw Stone you're perfect the way you are." Stone said "I'm gonna throw up." Stone drank again and I said *also drinking* "Right with ya Stone I'm gonna be sick." We were rolling by the slums mostly known as the alleyways of the poor side of the city. Vinnie said "Hey that's where we live."

Time skip

We lose the guys chasing us and landed back into the wagon when out of nowhere Stone said "This is why I drink." "I agree with ya there Stone." Said I. We enjoyed our peace and quiet till of course the two men found us and started shootings at us I said "Oh come on well there goes our freedom anyone got an idea." Skipp said "What do we do." I said "Hmm I got a slingshot in my bag but problem is I don't got anything to throw at them." Vinnie said "Ok new plan I'll just punch the bullets." I said "Vinnie that's a dumb idea you can't punch the bullets. Vinnie said "No one ask you we got this." I rolled my eyes and coming up with a plan. Then Stone came up with an idea.

Stone said "I got an idea Adrianna hand me some ripped fabric." I realized what he was trying to do I went into my bag and grab some rip fabric and handed it to him. I said "Oh nice idea Stone." Stone said "Thanks and this is why I drink." I was blushing thinking 'dang even with his accent he's hot'. Stone threw the bottle but some unremarkable reason it missed and we were happy about it. I said "Seriously." Then the bottle exploded and it blew up the two men car and me and Stone were in complete shock. I was like what just happened and Stone felt the same thing till Skipp said "You did it Stone and Adrianna great job best friends." I was smiling and Stone was trying to get Skipp to stop hugging him.

While Vinnie was happy we got away with the money. And then we managed to escape we stop the wagon and I got out I said "Well this is my stop but thanks for inviting me to hang out guys." Vinnie said *playing it cool* "Sure it was fun having you around come back to the slums whenever you want." I said "Yeah sure I like that." Skipp said "We had so much fun with you it's nice having a new friend." I said "Thanks Skipp but I gotta head back to my house before any rich people see me hanging with scraps." Vinnie nudged Stone and he said "Uhm would you like me to walk you home." I was blushing and said "S-sure I like that thanks." Stone got out of the wagon and walk home with me.

We walk far enough to the point we were about to enter the rich people side I said "Well I'll walk the rest of the way thanks Stone." Stone said "Sure anytime guess I'll see you around and stuff." I said "Yeah guess so." We looked into each other eyes and we leaned in for a kiss hoping this time we kiss but unfortunately I hear the clock tower ring and I said "I gotta go." Stone said *disappointed* "Oh yeah sure." I gave him a hug and ran off as he walked in the other direction. I was so embarrassed that i didn't get my first kiss maybe next time.

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