The visit

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Hey guys Violet here hope you enjoy slight trigger warning for smoking and swearing.

Stone POV:

It was still night time I woke up in our hideout and I was thinking how did I get here all I remember was drinking at Oliver bar and that I passed out. I feel something in my hand I look at it and it was a note. I said "Did Oliver drag me home." But I read the note and I was shocked. It said "Adrianna Hansen" I said "She brought me here why did she do that." The note said "Hi Stone if your wondering how I know your name it's because my uncle told me anyway I felt bad seeing you outside passed out so I dragged you home if you ever need anything or someone to talk to you probably know where to find me sincerely Adrianna Hansen."

I felt that feeling again and my heart kept beating and all I could think about was her. That's when I got the most craziest idea ever I said "Maybe I should visit her no that be crazy she'll think I'm a stalker but what if she doesn't like Oliver said she is a wild girl who likes risk. That it I'm going." I get up and try to steady myself so I don't fall and I started walking. I make my way into town I was getting really close to the upper class neighborhood. Once there I was looking for her house I followed the note exactly how she wrote it.

I made my way till I see a big mansion and I said "Yup it's is definitely the house now which window leads to her room." I stand next to this big tree that's at this balcony I was hoping it was Adrianna's till I saw her walk outside on her balcony. And wow she looked so beautiful the way her hair blows in the wind it's breathtaking I see that she went back inside and I said "Now my chance." I climb up the tree and I jump onto her balcony. As I walked in and as I walk in out of nowhere she punches me in the face. I said "Ow fuck that hurts." Adrianna said "Oh my I'm so sorry are you ok I thought you were a robber." I said "I'm fine it's my fault I shouldn't have scared you."

I had a nose bleed because of the punch Adrianna said "Let me get you a tissue." I see she goes into her bathroom to get a tissue while she's getting it I noticed that the walls of the room were coloured black and I said "I guess you really like the colour black." Adrianna said *came back with a tissue* "Yeah it's my favourite colour I guess. Uh here." I took it and I said "That you Mrs Hansen." I said "Call me Adrianna I find Mrs Hansen to formal for my age." I laughed and said "Ok Adrianna and I'm -." Adrianna said "Stone." I said "Yeah how did you know that." Adrianna said "Like I said in the note my uncle told me." I said "Oh yeah why did you you drag me home." Adrianna said "Because I felt bad seeing you outside in the cold."

I said "Well thank you I guess." Adrianna said "Your welcome." I pulled out a cigarette and then I said "Do you want one." She looked at me and said "Yes how did you know I like to smoke." I said "Well I saw you smoking when you were dropping off the newspapers to the twins." Adrianna said "Ah yes I know them there always so nice." I grab my lighter and I lit our cigarettes as we sat on her balcony smoking. Adrianna said "I love to come out here and stare at your neighbourhood it's my favourite place." I said "Why's that it's a terrible place to live." Adrianna said "Because you get to be wild and have fun with no rules stopping you."

I said "So you hate being rich." Adrianna said "No I love it it's just in here I'm the mayor's daughter but out there I'm someone different." I put my hand on her hand and I said "I think I know exactly who your meant to be. We both may be different but it's who we are inside and that we're both weirdos." Adrianna said "We both have a hard time fitting in." I look at her and blew out the smoke I said "Yeah I guess so look I don't usually say this because I think love is a waste of one's time but I like you." Adrianna said "Hehe to me it's not but I think I might like you too. But I'm afraid people will gossip about this."

I said "Then will keep it secret." Adrianna said "I like that." We look into each other eyes and we lean in for a kiss but we heard someone knock on the door. Adrianna said "You have to leave now before she sees you." I said "Ok but will I ever see you again." Adrianna said "Yes but now go." I jump into the tree and climb down and ran back to my neighbourhood think about how we almost kiss.

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