Second Scheme the fight part 2

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Hey guys Violet here hope you enjoyed so here's the part 2. Slight warning for fighting, trash talking, drinking and swearing.

Vinnie POV:

We were running until Stone trip and bump into us knocking me, Skipp and Adrianna over. I was mad so I said "Stone ya goober you always mess things up!" Stone said "Your blaming this on me." Stone pulled out a bottle out of his coat and pass some to Adrianna. Stone said *took the bottle back* "As I recall the whole carriage scam was your idea. And your ideas suck. Adrianna said "He does have a point I really don't you you guys that much but it was terrible." I said "Shut up Mrs Upperclass royalty you don't know the first thing of stealing." Stone said "Hey don't talk her like that." Adrianna said "ugh guys."

Stone said "Adrianna not right now. I don't know why we thought it'd work a second time." I said "Ugh. Without me you'd be dead by now without me you wouldn't of have met your rich girlfriend." Stone took a sip of his bottle and pass it to Adrianna so she could take a sip I said "You can't steal, you can't fight... your a bad hobo." Adrianna said "Vinnie enough." Stone said *hic* At least my parents didn't abandon me the minute I came out of the womb." The crowd said "Oooooooohhhh." As Stone took another sip I said "Pfff well- I uh why don't you take that dumb blue hair and go eat a potato." The crowd kept ohhhing and Stone said "Why don't you go find your parents." Adrianna said "Guys enough we don't need to start a fight."

I said "Stay out of this Adrianna this is between me and your dumb Irish boyfriend." The crowd yelled "FIGHT." Skipp said "Uhh shouldn't we be running...?" Adrianna said "Nope we're going to have a fight on our hands." Stone passed the bottle to Adrianna.

Stone POV:

I passed the bottle to my girlfriend and Adrianna took a sip from it as Vinnie said "Naw I'm a pacifist." I said "Yeah. And I would never hit you ever." But then I started fighting Vinnie while Skipp and Adrianna was watching I kinda wanted to win so I could show off and impress Adrianna even tho I called her my girlfriend. Skipp said "Guys no." Adrianna said "To late I'm gonna love watching this *took another sip* Kick her ass Stone." Skipp said "Your not helping." Adrianna said "What I like fighting." As me and Vinnie were fighting I said "I'd be better off with you at least I'll still have my girlfriend."

Vinnie said "DUDE. I've always had your back you ungrateful dweeb." Skipp said "Oh boy." Adrianna said *laughing* "Haha hell yeah hahaha."

Meanwhile No POV:

In an alleyway a couple of street kids we're hanging out talking while they heard someone said *yelled* "HEY EVERYONE STONE AND VINNIE ARE FIGHTING AT THE SQUARE." The other homeless kids said *yelled* "HOBO FIGHT!!!"

Adrianna POV:

The fight kept going on the hobo kids stood next to me in the crowd of course I said hello to the news paper twins as I was explaining what was happening to the others. Vinnie said *Holding Stone in a chokehold* "How'd you like THAT huh?" One of the twins said "My bets on Vinnie." I said "I'm betting on my boyfriend." While Vinnie was laughing like a deranged maniac while the tall hobo teen next to me said "Your dating Stone nice you must be one lucky girl. But naw your boyfriend can outsmart her." I said "Thanks." While again Vinnie was still laughing like a maniac I said *shouted* "COME ON STONE YOU CAN BEAT HER."

I watch Stone threw Vinnie to the ground and said "I can fight." Vinnie said "Unfair you know that messes me up." Stone stomp on Vinnie face as I said "Ooo that's gonna hurt." Vinnie said *yelled* "I'M GONNA KILL YOU." I said "Damn." Then Skipp said *yelled* "STOP." Skipp made a very heartfelt speech but unfortunately Vinnie and Stone did not take it into consideration and Stone kick Skipp as Stone said "You fight like a girl." I said "Babe you misinterpreted it." Stone said "I know." I threw the empty bottle and it hit a sign knocking 2 letters off a sign.

Time Skip

The fighting continues as Vinnie tackled stone to the ground Vinnie said "Go back to whatever boy band you came from pretty boy." I said "Hey only I get to call him that." Stone said "No." I saw a crowbar and I said *threw it to Stone* "Stone caught." He grab the crowbar while Vinnie pulled out her tiny wooden sword she laughed but Stone ran after her with the crowbar. Till Vinnie grab a shovel from a man and the fist fight became a weapons fight. I said "Hey everyone they got weapons *knew what I was trying to do* it's a weapon fight." The twins cheered for Vinnie while that teen who stood next to me said "Kill her dead Stone." Vinnie said "Ready to finish this." Stone said "I guess." They run up to each other but they trip on a radish and both were knocked out.

I said "Wow it's a tie you heard it here folks it's a drawn." Vinnie said "Truce." Stone said "Mhn." People were asking about their money when Vinnie said "Gasp none of you bet on a draw." Till Skipp said "I did." I said "Wow I can't believe it either." Vinnie said "WHAT. Skipp bet it on a draw no way." Stone said *getting up with the help of Adrianna* "Wow crazy is that even allowed." I said "I don't know. Skipp said "I guess I'll take everyone money now. Thanks for coming." Stone grab my hand and we ran off while Stone pulled out another bottle from his jacket. But the crowd became an angry mob and chase us again.


We got away from the crowd and hitch a ride on the back of a hay wagon Vinnie said "Oh my god I can't believe they fell for it ahahaha. Dude how'd did you plan everything out like that." Stone said "I had a little help from my girlfriend." I said "Yup and thank you I did an amazing performance if I do say so myself but that was so much fun. You guys really know how to make a rich girl like me have a fun time. I almost want to do this more often with you guys." Skipp said "Aw thanks." Stone explained the plan but Vinnie wasn't listening she said "How much did we make?" Skipp said "Three dollars and Fifty-one cents."

Vinnie was shocked and really happy and said "BOYS AND OTHER GIRL WERE EATING TONIGHT." I said "Hehe yeah I get off at the next alleyway." And Stone said "Oh yeah and Skipp never kiss me again that Adrianna job." I said "Aw but it's true." The crowd chase us but the man trip on a radish as we got off the wagon and Vinnie said "Let's get outta of here you dorks." We walk off Vinnie and Skipp we're ahead of me and Stone and then Stone said "So do you want me to walk you home." I said "Hmm nah I think I can walk home myself but I really did have fun." Stone said "Yeah you should do this with us more often." I said "Sure. But I should get going the sun going down." Stone said "Yeah I understand see you tomorrow I guess." I kiss Stone on the cheek and said "Yeah tomorrow." I walk into an alleyway trying to get home without being seen really happy at the crazy amazing day I had with Stone and his friends.

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