Love at first scheme

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Hey guys Violet here hope you enjoy this scene I can't wait for you to see the reaction Stone will show. Slight warning for swearing.

Adrianna POV:

Finally school was over and I was so happy to get out of school. I said "Finally free that lesson put me to sleep." Neveah said "I know right it was so boring." I said "Not to mention how cramp it is in there." Neveah said " Yes." I said "And my back hurts like hell from sitting on does chairs but anyway we should get going to my house." Neveah said "Yeah but first we should stop at my house and get change." I said "I definitely agree with you on that." We waited for Neveah's carriage to arrive. We waited for over 10 minutes and the carriage finally comes the driver said "Terribly sorry Lady Smith and M'lady Hansen.

I said "No need to apologize the dinner party doesn't start till evening we have plenty of time." Neveah said "Yes so please don't feel bad about it." The driver said "Thank you Ladies your too kind. Now allow me to let you up." He open the door and kindly helps us get in the carriage. We sat down and waited for the carriage to move I grab my fan and I fan myself a bit I said "Geez I frickin hate dresses they make it hard to breathe." Neveah said "I know but we have to I mean just imagine what girl would be wearing pants in this town. No one would take a girl serious if she's wearing pants." I said "Yes I know that be ridiculous." Felt bad of course she think pants are ridiculous for girls but I can't say anything to her she is training to be a fashion designer like my mom so I'm sure I'll forget this.

Neveah said *smirk* "So Adrianna have you received any letters for future suitors yet." I said "Huh oh no not yet most of them aren't my type." Neveah said "And what's that." I said "Well someone who understands me and can accept me for who I am and love adventure and not afraid to take risk that's the guy I want. And what about you do you got a guy you like." Neveah started blushing and said *lied* What no there's absolutely no one I like." I said "Ok hehehe."

5 minutes later

We we're still passing threw the town when suddenly the carriage came to a hard stop. Neveah said *scream* Ah." I said "Neveah are you okay." Neveah said "Yeah I'm fine what happened." I said "I don't know I'll ask the driver." I stick my head out of the window to call the driver I said "Excuse me Mr what going on why did we stop." The driver said "We're sorry for the unfortunate stop Miss Hansen but it seems a young boy came out of nowhere and ran in front of the carriage and now he looks hurt." I was shocked I said "Let me see at once." The driver said "Miss Hansen I'm afraid I can't do that." I said "Nonsense I demand to see if the gentleman is alright."

The driver said "Yes Miss Hansen." I got down from the carriage and Neveah said "What are you doing." I said "I just want to see if the boy is ok stay in the carriage I'll be right back." Neveah nodded and I went to check on the boy I see a crowd of people looking at the boy a lady said "Oh that poor boy he looks really hurt." I push threw the crowd and I see a boy about my age he had a really tinted blackish blue hair. I also noticed his clothes he wore a grey jacket, black turtleneck, black shoes, grey pants and I see he had a gold necklace.

Then I thought they don't look like clothes of upper class then I realized we hit a lower class I said *whisper* "Oh my he's a poor boy." I got up to him gently shake him ran my hand threw his hair and said "Hello are you ok." No response came from him.

Stone POV:

After we stole the food from the fruit stand vendor Vinnie said "So what the hell do you guys want to do today." Skipp said "Idk Vinnie we could go back to our alleyway and just relax." I said "Normally I don't say this but I agree with Skipp." Vinnie said "You boys are no fun I got a fun idea let's go scam some rich snobs by getting hit by there carriages." I said "Absolutely not Vinnie are you stupid why do you all insist we do that idea." Vinnie said "Cause we need money if we want to survive tonight come Stone your so good at acting." I said "Fine but if we get caught I'm blaming you." Vinnie said "We won't I promise."

I said "Ok let's do this." We walk to our usual spot where we go we waited for a bit then suddenly we see a carriage coming by and Vinnie said "Ok Stone now." I run across the street and stop right in front of the carriage and pretend to be really hurt. Then a heard the crowd of people coming and feeling bad for me then I hear the most familiar voice ever it was like a voice of an angel the feminine voice said "Hello are you ok." I take a tiny peak and I saw it was Adrianna Hansen the carriage we were going to scam was hers. I freaking out and was thinking of a plan I had to call it off." She said "Uh are you hurt. Do you need help." I got up and said "Yeah I'm fine it's a tiny scratch I'll be fine." She said "Oof thank god you should be more careful."

I was about to say something but I got up was and ran before anyone could call the police. Once I ran Vinnie and Skipp followed me. I was thinking to myself and I said "She touch my hair my hair. And the way she look at me her eyes it was like staring at a clear blue sky." I was blush and my heart was racing. I said "What is this feeling I never felt this feeling." Then I hid in an alleyway and then I knew what was wrong I was falling in love.

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