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Right after I signed some papers we left, before we got home I decided to surprise the boys with some new toys, we drove straight to 'Hamleys', as we got there Taehyung couldn't contain his excitement and ran off in to the store before I could even catch him.

My mother went running behind him before he created a huge disaster in there, while I peacefully picked up kookie and sat him into my hip and walked into the store.
While my mother helped Tae pick out his fav toys, me and kookie were in the stuffy toys section.

I helped kookie get a few stuffy toys for him and Tae,I could see that kookie was excited to see all the stuffies around him as he pick them all up.

But what he said next made me tear up a little,"Mama, I wan tha bunny sufy peech." He called me 'mama' and looked at me with cutest puppy eyes, that's when I knew they were the best thing that happened to me.

I really wanted to get that cute pink bunny stuffy, I tried to reach out to get it my couldn't seem to, so I somehow managed get me words to word asked noona,"Mama, I wan tha bunny sufy peech."

For some reason noona started to get teary and stared at me in shock...I took a minute to process what I did to make her stare at me like and then it hit me, I CALLED HER 'MAMA'

She looked really happy so I decided to call her again to break her thoughts and bring her back to her senses, "Mama?,kookie wan tha bunny uffy peesh!!"

She came back to her senses and grabbed that bunny stuffy, she came closer to me and hugged me saying,"Thaank you baby for calling me mama, I love you sooo much, you can call me that from now on, kay?" " I vuv u too, mama" I replied to her giggling.

We went to fine Tae Tae and Nana (grandma) to see if they were done pick out their toys.


Jungkook and noona came to us with their huge collection of stuffy in the cart, I showed noona all the Lego sets I wanted to get and she approved, while I was showing her my set I heard jungkook call her mommy because he wanted to show her something, I was surprised to hear, 'can I call her mommy too' I thought.

Just then she looked at my jaw dropped face and said, "yes baby, you can call me mommy or mama too." Whatttt can she read my mind, so I nervously said, "yes mm-ma-ama" " why so nervous kiddo, I'm your mommy now, you can call me that!" She said to calm down my nervousness.


While we were at the checkout out line, kookie looked uncomfy and started to squirm around,"what's wrong buba?" He shook his head and pointed towards the exit, indicating that he wants to go out... "just wait a little baby, we're almost don't checking out" but he just started whining even more.

I assumed he wanted to change his diapers or wanted a bottle because he was hungry.
We count to the car and pulled out his diaper bag and layer out his changing mat onto the seats of the car with me standing outside the car.

When i tried to remove his diapers out he quickly put his hands over his diaper and didn't  let me remove them, when I asked him what's wrong, he shook is head and blushed, I chuckled and said, " it's fine buddy, no need to be shy there, mommy's gonna see your prince parts more often when I change you." He nodded and let me change him, though he would blush so hard every time i looked him in the eyes.

After I changed him, I made his bottle and placed him on my lap to feed him, as I brought the bottle close to his mouth, he refused to take it in, "do you not want the bottle baby?" He shook his head and said, " mama bubo" and started getting whiny, it took me a while to figure out what he was saying, until I realized that he said he wanted to be breast fed, " sorry baby, mama don't have bubo in here" he liked at me with a sad face and started to cry and kick us legs into the air.

After trying to calm him down for almost ten minutes I was done with his behavior, I gave him a light spank on his but and told him to drink his bottle, he opens his mouth for me to put the bottle into his mouth while he rubs the place I gave him a spank with his little hand.

It went all quiet and all we could hear was the sound of kookie suckling and the Air Conditioning running, I felt sorry for hitting him and apologized and kissed his head and cheeks, "mama is sorry baby, I love you" he looked at me with his half open eyes almost falling into deep slumber.

Soon I saw my mother walking towards the car with three huge bags of toys with a happy Taehyung skipping beside her.

She put the bags in the trunk of the suv and offered to drive as I had kookie sleeping in my arms.
Have way to our home, Tae had slept and kept trying to keep his head, I chuckled and picked his head up and rested it on my shoulder and heard him mumbling, "mama" in his sleep.



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