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Y/N POV- (continued)
We came home to my dad making dinner for all of us, he said he wanted to see the boys and offered to make dinner for all of us.

I put the sleeping kookie and Tae in their room that I prepared for them before I came to pick them up from the orphanage.

My dad had Tae in his arms and I had kookie, he slowly put Tae down and patted him to sleep and left, I went over to the other bed and rested kookie on it and too patted his bum to sleep.

After dinner was ready I had wake the boys up for dinner knowing that they're gonna be grumpy for the rest of the dinner.

Waking Tae wasn't that hard but waking kookie took all my blood sweat and tears, he was cranky and whiny wanting to go back to sleep.

We walked down with kookie on my hip with his head in the crook of my neck whining and Tae holding my hands being a good boy.

When the boys first met their papa (grandpa), Tae was shy and hid behind me kookie refused to remove his head from my neck.

As we were preparing to have dinner I put kookie into the high chair after somehow unlatching him from me, which made my father laugh and say, "you've got yourself a clingy little there, consider your personal space and freedom gone as of day"
" you were just like this when you were younger,when you met new people, you used to stick to me like glue" my mother added.

You chuckled and said, "I guess he gets the clingyness from me"


I was a little shy meeting papa for the first time, I've never met him before as it was only nana who came to the orphanage to visit.

He looked a little scary at first but I warmed up to him after he played cars with me after dinner.

Soon it was time for nana and papa to go home but I wanted play papa more, " we'll meet papa and nana over the weekend anyway so you can play then." Mama said, I was sad but papa promised we'd play more during the weekend.

It was a little past bed time and I sure was getting sleepy but mommy said I had to take a bath before bed, so now mommy is giving me and kookie a bath together. She let us play with the rubber duckies and bubble bath, we splashed around and of course we didn't fail to get mommy drenched with us too.

After our bath mommy dried us up and changed us into our pajamas, mommy said kookie had to wear a diaper but kookie threw a fit so mommy stuck a paci in his mouth and diapered him up, I didn't have to wear one because I was in the headspace of a 4 year old.


After our bath mommy tried to put a diaper on me as I was still in the headspace of a 1 year old but I threw a fit and tried to run away, but she pulled me back and stuck a paci into my mouth which calmed me down.

She put me in a crib and Tae in a big boy bed, I screamed and sobbed for her to let me out of this death trap, I wanted to sleep with mommy, "MOMMMMYYYYYY, I SHEEP WI UUUU, MOMMY I NO WAN SHEEP HERE, PEEEEEECHHHH, MOMMY, MOMMMMMMYYYYY" I screamed and cried for almost 10 min until she came back with a bottle for me and Tae Tae, she took me and sat on the rocking chair in the corner of the room and feed me till i fell into deep slumber.


After I put him in the crib, I could hear his loud screams all the way to the kitchen, I broke my heart to listen to it, but I had to ignore it so I could get their bottle ready,

I tucked Tae into his big boy bed with his bottle and caressed his head and gave him a good night kiss on his head, I walked over to kookie bed and picked him up and took him to the rocking chair and fed him his bottle, I wiped his tears and moved the hair from his face and then gave him a kiss on the forehead while patting his bum to sleep.

After he fell into deep slumber I tried to put him into his crib again but he held on to my clothes really tight and didn't let go, at that point I gave up and took him to my bed, I did feel bad for leaving my Tae all alone there but I could disturb his peaceful sleep to bring him here.

As I layed him down next to me, he had calmed down and all that could be heard was his soft snores and his chest rising up and down.

As I wasn't really sleepy I stayed up and did some research on lactation pills, I found the right one and ordered it online, it said it would arrive in the morning.

Slowly sleep took over me and fell into deep slumber.



I woke up in the middle of the night, it was dark a it scared me so i tried to find my paci which always have beside me...but I didn't have it now I wanted to cry but I got out and looked for mommy, " mommy, where are you? "
I called out for her, I slowly walked into her room and saw kookie and her in deep slumber hugging each other, if I was honest, I did feel a little jealous but I didn't really care bout that right now.

I shook mommy and woke her up, " what happened baby" she asked, "I was scared in the dark and I couldn't find my paci" I said in tears as she hugged me and took me on her hip and took me to the kitchen to find my paci.

I put the paci in my mouth and stuck my head in the crock of her neck while she walked us to her room, she put me down next to kookie and pulled me closer to her chest, and I snuggled in between her cushions, she chuckled at me and said, " you cheeky little boy" and she kissed my forehead and cheek.



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