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Tarik and Jorah are having a meeting in the map room of Knightfall staring down at the war map on the table

Tarik: What of the wheat?

Jorah: We have enough here for four winters but if the war continues on any longer.....

Tarik sighs running his hand over his face

Tarik: How many refugess have seeked shelter here?

Jorah: Approaching 100 when I last took count, My Lord. We are running out of room to house them. With winter coming, it's going to get worse.

Tarik gestures to a servant. The servant comes to take the raven off of the table.

Tarik: What do you suggest?

Jorah: There is a field where they could make camp. I've already ordered the men to hoist up tents and I've resigned patrols around the area.

Talana whistles making both men look seeing her walk into the room, hands clasped behind her back

Tarik: Talana, what are you doing here?

Talana: I received word from one of my friends. The Imp is back at King's Landing.

Tarik and Jorah share a look

Jorah: So the Imp survived the Wall? I did not think he had it in him.

Tarik: Isn't your brother a Brother of the Night's Watch, Ser Jorah?

Jorah: Aye he is.

Talana pulls out a note and hands it to her father, he reads it

Tarik: Tywin has named Tyrion Hand of the King while he fights---

Jorah scoffs out and rolls his eyes

Jorah: Tyrion is the only Lannister I can actually stand.


A long queue of people are waiting to speak with Tarik. The man speaking is addressing Tarik and Talana, who are both sitting at a large table.

Lord: The walls of my Holdfast will not stand the winter. The stones were last mortared in the time of King Aerys, and I'm afraid the masons today are not fit to carry their fathers' hammers. When I was a boy, I remember seeing them put up a new tower at Torrhen's Square in a summer. Men worked back then. Today, my Holdfast looks like it was built by drunk children. At night you can hear the wind howling through the gaps. And the Gods forbid it rains. Why, I might as well sleep beneath a waterfall.

Talana: Maintenance of a Holdfast generally falls to the lord of that Holdfast.

Lord: Generally, yes, but I've sent all the young men off to fight Robb Stark's war.

Tarik: King Robb. It's not his war. He did not choose it.

Lord: Maybe not, My Lord, but he called in his Banners, and took the men.

Talana: Joffrey killed Lord Stark. Do you not remember your vows?

Jorah steps closer to the table and leans down whispering in Tarik's ear

Jorah: We can spare four masons for a week, My Lord. Will that be sufficient to repair your walls?

Lord: I - I believe it will.

The man walks away. Tarik sighs placing his hands on his head before looking at his daughter

Talana: I didn't like the way he was talking about Robb

Tarik: Nor did I. But listening to people you'd rather not listen to is one of my responsibilities as Lord of Knightfall.

Jorah: Lord Portan. Step forward.

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