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Kol: Mind out!

Rohar: MOVE!!

Kol and Rohar leads Unsullied soldiers though the courtyard.

Klaus: West wall!

Cassandra and Alissa are leading women and children down into the crypt. Marcel is directing a group of soldiers

Marcel: Quickly! Get in position! Now!

He turns and walks away getting in formation with Kol and Rohar as they marches out of the gate. Jon and a group of soldiers marches out of the gate.

Bran rolls by followed by Theon, Darin, and Talana. They walk though the courtyard.


A group of Unsullied marches to join the formation. Rohar, Marcel, and Kol all exhales nervously standing side by side. Ahead of them stands a line of catapults, with stones and braziers by their sides. In front of the siege weapons, the entire Dothraki horde is mounted and waiting, swords drawn.

The Northmen stands at the ready fronted by Jamie, Jon, Karron, Brienne, Grey Worm, Jorah M, Jorah G on horseback, Hanir, and Alden.

Alden: I know you're afraid. Honestly I am as well. Use that fear and fight. Fight for your home. Fight for the ones you love. Fight for your lives. Fight together. Tonight, there are no more houses. We are one.

He holds his sword high over his head as everyone lets out loud war cries. Sandor and Gendry pushes their ways up to the front, Gendry stands beside Karron.

Horses snort and whinny. The Jorahs waits mounted on horseback, seasoned and determined, yet also nervous. Ghost stands nearby. The wind blows and the darkness reveals nothing.


Elizabeth walks by DROGON and RHAEGAL. They growl. She joins Daenerys to survey the great army that waits before the Keep. The moon shines through the clouds above.

The wind whistles. A lone rider approaches slowly amidst the darkness, catching the eye of Davos. He strains to see.

The rider is Melisandre. She silently leads her mount to stop in front of Hanir

Melisandre: Raise your sword, Lone Warrior

Hanir frowns confused but steps forward, raising Stormbringer in the air. She clasps his curved weapon in her left hand, her index finger pressed against the cutting edge. She concentrates as she offers an incantation.

Melisandre: (speaks in Valyrian)

Stormbringer is engulfed in flames. Everyone is shocked and excited

Rohar: OH FUCK YES!!

Marcel: HELLS YEAH!!


From the battlements, Davos, Klaus, Elijah, and Tyrion stares down at the Flaming Sword shocked

Tyrion: Why is that a good thing? Is that a good thing?

Elijah: Oh that's marvelous thing

Klaus: Indeed

Davos: It's wonderful indeed.


Hanir turns towards the army and holds his Flaming Sword over his head and screams loudly

Hanir: AHHHHH!!

Karron: AHHHH!!

Pyp: AHHHH!!

Jon: AHHHH!!

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