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22 1 2

I wonder what it's like to be at the beach. After 17 years of living i've never been to the beach. Never collected seashells in the sand, never watched the sea crash against the rocks and never hunted for fossils.

"And how would you like to pay for that?" she asks smiling. Her cherry red hair is curled and lays on her shoulders. The colour really brings out her beautiful green eyes.

She clears her throat, trying to get my attention. I look up and smile. "Sorry" I laugh and then frantically reach into my pocket and dig for some change. I turn my pockets inside out but I all I can find is 1p's and 2p's.

As I pull them up to my face to count them a lady shouts at me. "People are also wanting to order too ya know?!" She shouts from the back of the queue. I begin to stress, before I even attempt to start counting them again I just shove them back into my pocket.

"Sorry, can you just cancel the order please." I ask, embarrassed. She gives me an apologetic smile and nods. I walk out of the cafe and drop my head as I walk to...I don't even know.

I've gotten that same "I'm sorry" smile so many times these past 2 months and still, I'm barely able to afford an apple a day.

I walk up to the bus stop and lay on the bench, covering myself from the rain. My home changes everyday. Last year, it was a house, then a bungalow, then an apartment now under a bus stop.

Don't you just love life? Everyone believes in karma but what did I do to deserve this? I was always kind and honest to everyone, especially my parents.

I studied hard at school and made sure I did anything possible to become the best human I could be. And this is what I get in return? Unbelievable.

As I shut my eyes I hear a car pull up. I'm sure it's just trying to park at the restaurant across the road but then I hear footsteps coming towards me. I sit up and get a shock when it's the police.

He points a flash light at my face which I cover with my hand. "You're a bit young to be out here by yourself at this time ay?" he asks, getting closer to me.

I shrug and lay back down. "I'm homeless. Where do you want me to go?" I ask as I shut my eyes again. "Ah wait. Ermm, Violet right?" he says, waiting for me to correct him.

I sit up again. "How do you know my name?" I ask. He chuckles, "get in the car Violet, your brothers have been worried sick. They reported you missing 2 months ago!" He informs me.

I slide in to the back and buckle my seatbelt. Reported me missing? Brothers? I don't have any brothers.

"Erm, yes my name is violet. And I became homeless 2 months ago but, I don't have any brothers." I chuckle, waiting for reassurance.

All he does is laugh. "Don't be silly! You're brothers are the double of your father! Shame what happened to him, he was a good man." the officer says and shoots me an apologetic smile.

Ugh! Stop with the smiles!!

I sink into my seat, lost in questions.

When we arrive at the station 3 men are sat on chairs in the entrance. Two are asleep, leaning against eachother but the other is frantically biting his nails.

But the policeman was right. They are the double of my father. They are my brothers.

My 'brother' immediately stands up when I walk in and hugs me. He grabs a handful of hair and grips me tight.

This makes me cringe because I can't imagine how knotty my hair is and how bad I must smell. "I am so sorry, Violet. I promise all I've done these past couple of months is search for you." he whispers in my ear.

My body relaxes and I fall into his hug. I'm going to be ok.

"Oi get up you jerks!" He shouts at the ones that are asleep. I laugh at how he addresses them and he shoots me a cheeky smile. He is definitely my father's son.

The two sleepy ones finally wake up and one gets up faster than the other. "Hi Violet. I hope you're okay. I'm Will, this is Adam and that's..." He groans as he points to the one still attempting to get up.

"Sleeping Beauty over there is JJ" he smiles at me. I laugh and watch how he struggles to wobble across the room towards, me. His sister. I'm his sister. He's my brother. Wow.

He takes out his hand but I don't shake it. He towers over me, intimidated, I fall back. He looks hurt, like I hurt him.

"I-I'm sorry" I mutter, rubbing my arm. "You're really t-"
"tall" he chuckles, finishing my sentence. He kneels down and sticks his hand out again. I proudly shake it and greet him with a smile.

Adam and Will were tall but not like JJ.

"Wow you smell, come on you need a shower" JJ laughs. I scoff. But he's right, I do smell. The last shower I had was over 2 months ago and I've been living on the street so I guess I didn't just make the best first impression.

But, anyway. Let's go home. Wow, I can finally call a place my home.

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