Chapter 16 - You

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It's only been a few days since the excursion outside the walls. Most of the Scouts have been hospitalized for their injuries, but there are a few that got lucky enough to get by without a scrape.

The Scout regiment has been called to the capital to report and go over new findings some time this week. I'm sitting alone in the common area of headquarters, dim lamplight lighting the room to contrast the night outside.

The door opens and closes quietly as my father enters the room. "How you doing kiddo?" he asks, taking a seat opposite me. I shrug and lean forward on my elbows. "I don't know."

"Hm," he responds with a nod, setting down the teacup in his hand. "Understandable." his expression is unreadable, knowing him he isn't going to show any emotion about the death of his squadron. If he hasn't looked past it already.

I envied that about him, how he's always able to stay composed after all the shit that happens. He's sitting here drinking tea in silence while I wanted to cry over Marco. I can't show that emotion again, I can't show that vulnerability.

I figure I should at least apologize for what happened. "Dad, I...I'm sorry about the squad." I murmur, turning my gaze away. His eyes flicker over me like he's not sure what to say. He inhales slowly, "it's okay kiddo, I'm just glad you're alright."

"If I had lost you I don't know what I would have done." he tells me, taking a sip of his tea. I muster a smile of something like reassurance. "You won't ever have to worry about that."

He nods and looks out the window, furrowing his brows. "I wonder what's the hold up. Erwin's never late. They should be here, at this rate the damn MP's will be here first." he mutters.

"That's about our luck." I grunt. He makes a scoffing sound in agreement.

"Can I ask you something?" I question, raising an eyebrow. He nods in response as he sips his tea.
"The scouts that were killed on the excursion, did you know how many would die?" I know it's blatant but I don't feel like beating around the bush.

My dad doesn't answer right away. A minute passes by in silence as he contemplates how to answer. "...yes." is all he replies. I study his gaze but just like his expression it's unreadable.

He takes a deep breath, eyes softening when he notices the tension growing from his answer. "If there had been another way, I wouldn't have let them die. Believe me kiddo, I would never put people in harms way unless absolutely unavoidable."

"Yeah, I know." I murmur. The doors open behind us, cutting off our conversation. Commander Erwin steps into the room, along with Eren, Jean, Mikasa, and Armin.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Erwin apologizes. I raise an eyebrow in silent question as to why they're all here. Eren meets my eyes and smiles slightly, his ears turning red. I quickly look away before I can feel heat in my face.

"We believe we've uncovered the female titans true identity." Erwin says. "She won't slip away this time." He lays out a map of wall sina over one of the tables, circling directions and stops in red ink.

"The day after tomorrow, we'll be passing through Stohess district in route to the capital. That's when we'll strike. It'll be our first and only chance to do so, once we've set foot in the interior the government will take custody over Eren and the Scouts authority to continue operations will be limited. "

Jean and I fist bump each other as he slides quickly into the seat next to me, both of us turning back to pay attention to the Commander's words.

"Thus, unless we wish to concede defeat, we must flush out the enemy now." Erwin continues. "So here's what we do"-he points to a red circle on the map-"while in Stohess we use Eren as bait, luring the target into this underground passage." he taps the paper.

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