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Author POV

"Hobi get up it's already morning" said the mom of the boy who was sleeping like he has not slept for days.

"Riya baby can you please go and wake your brother up it's already 10,
Tell him breakfast is ready"

"Yess mom " said a 19 years girl who was helping her mother.

Riya POV

I went to my oppa's room and looked he was almost onthe edge of his bed just inch to fall. I giggled and went towards him

"Oppa wake up breakfast is already I'm hungry get up " I said and he just snuggled more in his blanket.

"I'm giving you last warning if you don't wake up this instant then you gonna regret it" still he didn't gave any response

"Oki then it's your fault don't blame me " I said and went towards his table where there was a jar of water I took it and held it on his head.

"See I seriously saying it last time to wake up, ok then 1 2 3" then I poured all the water on him and run out of his room because I know he's gonna come after me.

Hoseok POV

I was sleeping peacefully but then I heard my lil sister voice she was asking me to wake up but I don't wanna. I get only one day to sleep peacefully without any worry of class,or begin late .

She still calling but I didn't listen and snuggled more into my blanket. After I was about sleep, I felt water all over me I woke up and saw riya running out of the room.

"Hey you come here you are so dead when I catch you wait" I said and ran after her. But she went down inthe kitchen and hide behind my mom.

"What are you two doing early in the morning "

" She threw water on me, see I'm all wet now " I said

" That's because you were not waking up I already warned you two times but you didn't listen" she said peeking from behind.

"So what there was no need to throw water on me now me and my blanket is wet because of you " I said

"Riya I just told you wake him up, not like this, apologies to your brother " mom said

"But mom- "

"No mom just apologise"

"Sorry oppa I will not do it again " she said in her sad voice with a pout on her face which almost made me melt.

"Its okay don't do it again okay, now come to your oppa and give him hug come on " I said and started to go towards her.

"No you are wet stay away don't come near me " she said and started running.

"Stop it you two,go hobi take bath and come fast breakfast is getting cold" mom said

"Oki mom, this is not over yet Lil sis I will come back to you " I said and she
teased me by showing her tongue.
I laughed at her childness she is 19 but still act like child.

I went to my room and saw the mess now I have to clean all this, but first let me take a bath and get rid of this wet clothes

I started to strip my clothes and was now only in underwear.

"I didn't know that I will get a strip show free after moving in, it's was a great idea to move in" I heard a deep voice saying which almost made me scream in fear. I turned around and saw a handsome boy standing on the other side of the house.

 I turned around and saw a handsome boy standing on the other side of the house

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