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Jimin POV

In the cafeteria

Hoseok Hoseok Hoseok

That's the only thing that running on my mind it's been almost two months and he has been ignoring me.

And the main things is that why his ignoring me is affecting me so much I can't stand that.

( Then sit down jimin.Sorry for the bad joke🤠)

And that short guy he is getting on my
nerves these days he sticks to hoseok like 24/7 whenever I see he is always with him. Are they dating or something, no no I heard people say hoseok likes me then why would they to date ya they are just friends.

But even if they are dating why is it bothering me it's not that I like him.

Ohh God I going crazy, I was on my own thoughts when I heard my friend say.

"Wtf is wrong with you, you are spacing out a lot lately" Jungkook said looking at me

"What, no i don't shut up" I said

"What happened jimin tell me why are you behaving like this" he said in a soft tone

"Okay I will tell you but you will not tease me promice" I said

"Depends upon what it is" he said smirking at me

"Then forget about it I not gonna tell"

"Ok ok mister grumpy tell me I will not tease "

"So what if there was a person who use to be after you all the time like everytime,he use to come watch you dance, bring you favourite flower, snacks and many more, what do you think of a person like this " I asked looking at him

"Thay he is a good and sweet person and totally a boyfriend type" he said


"Yess jimin"

" Umm Oki then one day he stops all like literally stops doing all of it and just starts ignoring you out of nowhere then "

" Then maybe you are to late to acknowledge he act towards you so he trying to move on"

"Umm I see "

"Are you by any chance talking about hoseok" he asked which made my eyes wide

"W-What no what are you talking about who is he I don't know" I said not looking at him

" Ohh I see, so you really don't know who is Jung Hoseok "
He asked raising his eyebrows

"Y-Yes I d-don't know him" I said looking away

"Oki if you really don't him then it will not affect if he is sitting on some men laps kissing his cheeks just right behind you " he said which my eyes widen like saucer and immediately looked behind.

"Wtf are they doing " I said my blood boiling

"Soo ya you don't know him right" he said with a teasing smirk

" Not now Jungkook " I said in my deep voice staring at them.

' You just wait Jung Hoseok you will be mine' I thought

Hoseok POV

We were in the college cafeteria it was break time so me and hyung decide to have our lunch.

"Hoba I have something for you" he said taking out something from his bag pack

"What it is hyung did you bring gift for me" I said trying to look what was he taking out

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