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Enjoy the chapter:-)

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Enjoy the chapter:-)


Author POV

It was Monday again and students were getting in to their class lazy. Not want to attend any lecture.Like why Monday has to come so fast can't it wait.

It was months when the students results were going to display. That is also one of the reason why students don't want to come to college. But they don't have any choice because the rules of the college were strict.

If they don't have 75% attend then they will call each student parents in the college. So fearing that students have no other choice but to attend the college.

But out all the students their was one student who doesn't care and he was non other then the class bad boy
Jung Hoseok. He was not that bad boy who bullies othe students just for his satisfaction. He was a sunshine boy of the class everyone would like him.
He was bad boy in the sence that he would come late to the college will not attend the lecture make fun of the teacher try to play with the college property and many more things.

And no teacher stop him or try to stop him because he is the sone of the trusty of the college. And it was a benefit for the boy to do all the things freely without any disturbance.

But this new teacher who has just joined the college. Was the only one who try to stop him. Because according to him the students must follow all the rules.

And the professor was Kim Namjoon

( He looks so handsome hereIf he was my teacher I would have not miss any of his lectures 🤠)

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( He looks so handsome here
If he was my teacher I would have not miss any of his lectures 🤠)

The economic teacher of the College. He is one of the best teacher with
IQ 148. The smartest of all. All the students like him because he was not only smart but good at teaching to he knows how to make subject not boring and he makes sure that every student understand whatever he was teaching. Not only his skills where good but his behaviour was in top he knows how to respect people. He even respect students that most of the teacher not do. Other then that he was tall, blonde and handsome that all the students and even sone teachers have crush on him. They can't help it when you have shut a sweet person with such a cute dimple.

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