three - tired

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"Yeah, like I say ... we met in college back when we were sixteen, seventeen. I think I was the Year above her." Sean turns his head to look at Laurie. "What year were you born, Laur?"

"Nineteen-fifty-nine," Laurie answers. "I'm twenty-nine, almost thirty."

"Thought so," Sean says. "Mike and I were born in fifty-eight."

"So, what did you study in college ... all those years ago?" Michael asks Laurie.

"I studied English Literature. And honestly? I don't remember much of it," she admits. "Just a whole bunch of Shakespeare and shit like that. I suppose it helped me with my writing, a little bit."

"Interesting." Michael nods knowingly, but it is merely a façade for his nerves. "So, what do you currently do? Anything related to English at all?"

"To be honest, I have a pretty dead-end job at the moment. I write a little on the side, but it's just a hobby for me at the moment." She heaves a soft sigh, preparing to keep her justification brief. "I've not had much time to pursue being an author yet. Life has gotten in the way."

"Yeah, life tends to do that for me too," Michael answers. "But at least you have a job. I've got to start looking for one tomorrow."

"How long have you been in England for?" Laurie asks.

"He arrived today," Sean responds on Michael's behalf. "He's only been here for a few hours, now."

"So what actually brought you to England?" Laurie makes sure to direct her question at Michael, so that her friend knows not to interrupt this time. "Get bored of the States after the breakup?"

Michael's demeanour shifts, exposing his apprehensiveness on discussing the subject. "Something like that, I guess."

She picks up on his uncertain body language. "Sensitive subject?"

"Maybe a little," Michael confesses. "Maybe one day, I'll be able to talk about it more openly."

"Hey, mate, there's no rush to give me your entire life story." Laurie laughs lightly, to bring the tone of the conversation up a notch. "We've known each other for a couple of hours. You don't owe me anything."

Her sheer confidence still bewilders Michael, even if he knows it shouldn't. A headstrong lady is admirable, dare he say even desirable, though he acknowledges that Laurie doesn't quite seem to be his type of woman romantically. Realistically speaking, platonic friendship seems to most plausible between the pair of them by this stage.

She doesn't show much emotion, and that is what Michael truly craves; a deep connection with an unfaltering sense of trust, paired with a heartfelt passion that radiates effortlessly even through the difficult times. The colour in the darkness. The red versus the black.

A tiny creak from the living room door cuts through the silence that has fallen among the three of them, and in reaction, the three pairs of eyes flit to the source of the sound. The sweet eyes of Michael's child peep through the small gap he's made.

"Case?" Michael says, in a hushed voice. "What are you doin' awake, buddy? It's real late, now."

"I woke up and you weren't sleeping there with me," Casey explains, with an obvious croaking due to fatigue. He opens the door a little wider; just enough for Michael to spot the tears pooling at his lower lash lines.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Case. I left the room because I didn't want to wake you up again. I didn't want to leave you." Michael stands up from his spot on the sofa, approaching his overwhelmed son. He kneels down to his level, offering him a hug to calm him. "Did you wake up because we were being too loud down here?"

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