six - future

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"So go on, Mike ... what's the verdict?"

Michael looks to Sean, maintaining a flawless poker face. He isn't quite sure whether he's doing it to build suspense, or whether it's because he's immature — but watching his friend's demeanour, almost tense with anticipation, gives Michael an unexpected kick.

"C'mon, man ... put me outta my misery already."

Michael wants to drag out the reveal as long as he can, but he knows he won't be able to save face for an extended period of time. Finally cracking under the playful pressure, a large grin falls across his face.

"I got the job, Sean!" he exclaims, unable to control his excitement.

"I knew it!" Sean brings Michael in for a hug, patting at his back encouragingly. "I just knew you had it in the bag, my man."

Michael laughs as he catches his breath. "But do you know what the crazy part is?"

Sean folds his arms across his chest, leaning his back against the wall. "What?"

"Laurie works there, too. She saw me during my interview. She kinda swayed Allie's decision ... just a little. But to be honest, I'm fairly sure Allie likes me anyway."

Sean chuckles, shaking his head. "I shoulda known something like that would happen. I knew she worked in town, but I didn't realise you went to the same place."

"I'd like to see her again, Sean," Michael says. "I want to thank her for being there today, even if it was unplanned. She really helped give Allie the push to secure the job for me."

Sean nods. "You want me to call her and invite her over here tonight?"

"That sounds fun," Michael answers. "If she does come, I'll let Casey stay up a little later tonight, so that he can spend some time with her too."

Sean silently acknowledges what Michael has said, before making a beeline to the telephone in the hallway, just out of sight. Michael takes this time to venture to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. As he turns the tap on, he hears Sean dialling Laurie's number, then after a few moments, he hears him conversing. Judging by Sean's responses, it seems like the plan will be going ahead, but Michael doesn't like to assume anything until he has heard it direct from his friend's mouth.

Upon returning, Sean confirms. "She said she'd love to come over. She's only just gotten home from work, though, so she needs to get changed and stuff first. She said she'd be an hour-ish."

"That's awesome," Michael replies, quickly taking a sip of water before continuing to talk. "I'll go tell Casey what's going on. He's gonna be so happy. He got on so well with Laurie when they met last week."

"Didn't he just?" Sean elbows Michael, hinting at something or other. "Hey, what do you reckon you and Laurie could end up getting along nice?"

Michael glances to him. "As friends?"

As Michael takes a large gulp of his drink, Sean cackles, amused at the naïvety. "No, man. I mean, like, getting along ni-ice." To emphasise his point, he wiggles his eyebrows seductively. "Real nice."

Michael spits the water right in Sean's face, almost choking on a combination of shock and hilarity. "You gotta be kidding me, man. There's no way."

Sean snaps up a tea towel from the kitchen counter, to dab at his wet face from Michael's reaction. "Thanks for that. Let me tell you, Mike — you may get away with doin' that to me, but I'd advise heavily for you to never soak a woman's face like that ... with any kinda liquid."

"You're disgusting." Michael's face scrunches up in horror. "I'll have you know I'm a gentleman. And I'd never date Laurie. She's too ... feisty."

"Feisty?" Sean scoffs. "You gotta be shittin' me. Laurie's name doesn't even belong in the same sentence as "feisty". She's just an average chick; an average person like you and I, Mike."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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