five - interview

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"You'll ace it, MJ. Don't even worry about it."

Sean pats Michael's arm in reassurance, stepping back to admire the smart-casual attire that his friend has chosen for his "interview" at the cafe today.

A crisp white button-up shirt hangs neatly over his slender torso, paired with black skinny jeans that perfectly hug his legs. Michael doesn't want to overdo the formalwear, as Allie and her business seem to give off a more down-to-earth feel. His hair is pulled back into a deliberately messy-looking ponytail, with flyaway strands groomed to elegantly frame his face.

"Shirt tucked in or left out?" Michael asks, glancing down to test both options. "I can't decide whether tucked in looks too ... pretentious. I don't want her to think I have a superiority complex."

"What about tucked in, and add a jacket or something?" Sean suggests. "Then it'll pull the look together."

"It's August, Sean," Michael says. "It's the hottest part of the year. I'll be dying if I wear a jacket."

"It doesn't have to be a thick one. Just enough to make you look a little more ... like you mean business."

"I'm already practically hired, man." Michael lets out a small chuckle. "This is just to check all the boxes. I don't think Allie will care if I'm wearing a nice pretty jacket."

Sean leans back, rubbing his chin with his fingers. "So if she won't be bothered, why are you so paranoid about a shirt being tucked in?"

Michael falters, realising he is right. "You may have a point, there."

"Just leave it tucked in, but not tightly. Leave it kinda loose," Sean instructs. "You've got the figure for it. Make the shirt look a little puffier."

Sean fiddles with Michael's shirt, despite his giggly protests, until Michael finally slaps his hands away playfully. "Hey, hey, hey! You know what, I'll just add a white t-shirt underneath — tucked in — and leave the over shirt unbuttoned, untucked."

"Seems like a plan," Sean answers. "But hurry, because you gotta leave soon."

Michael dashes back upstairs to his room to get changed, reappearing downstairs a few moments later in his new outfit. "What about this?"

"You look great, Mike." Sean gives him a double thumbs up, before grabbing Michael's satchel from the stairs banister to hand to him. "Now go! Your interview is in fifteen minutes, and it takes that long to walk to the town centre."

"Alright, alright! I'm goin'." Michael slings the bag over his body, then opens the front door of the house. On his way out, he calls to his son. "Case! Be good for Uncle Sean while I'm out. I love you!"

"Love you Daddy!" Casey calls back, from the bedroom upstairs.

Michael smiles at Casey's response, as he closes the door behind him and sets off.

• • •

"It's great to see you again, Michael." Allie extends her arm to him, offering her hand.

Michael accepts this invitation, giving her hand a firm shake as the pair take a seat at one of the cafe tables. "It's my pleasure, Allie."

"So, this is just something I have to do before I hire you, of course." Allie leans forward in her chair, silently confident in the candidate sat before her. "And provided you give me some good answers in the next twenty minutes or so, you'll be my new recruit."

"It sounds wonderful," Michael answers. "So, what would you like to know?"

"I'd just like to know some more about yourself, to begin with," Allie explains. "Just whatever you'd feel is necessary to tell me. Your personality. Your hobbies. Anything."

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