Chapter 37: "Fuck Tomorrow!"

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Andy's POV

I pulled away from the kiss first. Blake looked shocked as I did so, but I had a good reason.

I didn't feel anything.

Usually when you kiss someone you get either Feeling #1 or Feeling #2. Feeling #1 is when as soon as both of your lips meet you want the kiss to never end. You feel sparks flowing through your whole body. If the world was to end you'd spend every second of it with that one person. Feeling #2 is when the kiss didn't mean anything to you. You could walk away from their lives not remembering a damn thing. If a asteroid was headed your way, you would push that person in front of you so they would get hit and you'd have a five-second head start. It sounds cruel but it's true.

I removed Blake's hands from my hips and was about to go back inside when he grabbed my hips again. "What are you doing?! Why'd you stop the kiss?!"

I was hesitant at first because I didn't want to hurt his feelings. To have a girl you like admit to not feeling the kiss would just break his heart. So I lied.

"Uh, I stopped the kiss because I wanted to continue it inside. You know, more privacy," I said as I elbowed his arm.

He flipped his frown upside down and moved his hands from my hips to my face. He cupped his big hands on my cheeks and began caressing them. I was very uncomfortable but didn't say anything.

After a few awkward seconds standing on the porch, Blake finally released his grasp from my face to open the front door.

Whew! That felt like an eternity...

Once he opened the door, I headed to my room to take off my clothes and take a nice, hot, relaxing shower. But before I did I thanked Blake for an amazing night.

"Blake, I had a blast tonight with you. We might have had a little problem in the beginning of it, but we quickly got over it. Thanks again."

"No problem. I had fun with you, too. I hope we can do it again real soon."

Ignoring what he just said, I just gave him a quick goodbye and headed back to my room.

When I had finally reached my room, I shut it and locked it tight. For some reason I was getting this weird vibe off of Blake. The kiss was so uncomfortable for me that I didn't want anything to do with him. Including a second date.

As I was taking off my last heel, I heard Blake knocking at my door. "Hey, Andy, I thought you said we were gonna finish the kiss?" he said through the other side of the door.


I had to think of an excuse. "You know, I'm really tired in all. Maybe we can finish it tomorrow after I feel a little less tired," I shouted, hoping he would buy it.

It was dead silence.

"Blake, did you hear me?"

Dead silence.

I was getting nervous, remembering the last time it was this silent.


"Hey Blake, are you almost done in there?" I questioned.

Dead silence.

"Blake, hurry up in there would ya!"

Dead silence.

I was getting pissed more and more by the minute. Why isn't he answering me?

I put my hand on the knob and turned it just a little. It was unlocked. I opened it slowly until I was in.

I looked up into his eyes that were wide open. There standing in the bathroom was Blake wearing no pants.

He was wearing my dirty underwear.

End of Flashback

Just thinking of that made my skin crawl. I reassured myself knowing that I didn't leave anymore underwear laying around in the bathroom, but I still felt like something was wrong.

Out of nowhere Blake came into the room holding a tiny key in his right hand.

I jumped up because of the surprise. Knowing that he had a key to get into my room made me feel unsafe.

"What the hell are you doing in my room!" I yelled at him.

He just stared at me. He reminded me of those horror villains from those scary movies. His hair was wet and matted to his head. His left hand was balled into a fist. His stance looked like he was about to attack. I was scared for my life.

He let out a frustrated sigh and said, "I want to continue the kiss! I don't give a fuck that you're tired! Get your ass over here and let me wear you out!"

I didn't say anything. I was too stunned. He had serious bipolar issues. Just a second ago he was all nice and cheery. Now he's acting like Buffalo Bill.

I finally came to my senses and was ready to explain. "Look Blake, I told you I was tired. We can do this tomor-"

"Fuck tomorrow! I want it right now!" he barked interrupting me.

He threw the tiny key down and pushed me onto the bed. He put his hands on my thighs, inching them up.

I wanted to push him away from me but I was terrified he would do something.

He removed his hands from my thighs and started taking off his clothes. I put my hands on my eyes, not wanting to see anything, but he yelled at me to take them off. I obeyed.

After he was completely naked, he started taking off my clothes one by one.

Once I was naked, he stared down at my nude body with lust-filled eyes.

It was hard not to stare at his erection but I managed. Having him see me like this made me feel insecure, like I was not good enough.

He finally put his hands on my breasts, massaging them. He ducked down and put his mouth on my right nipple, biting it as his pleasure.

I tried not to moan but I did anyway. He must've heard me; because he seemed satisfied.

"You ready, baby?"

I didn't know what he was talking about. Ready for what? A marathon?

He stopped sucking my nipples to move me legs around his waist. He positioned himself to where his erection was touching my lady part.

"You ready?" he said smirking down at me.

"Blake, can we please not do this. I'm not rea-"

"Shut up, bitch!"

I looked at him with pleading eyes, tears forming in the corners. I was not ready for what was about to come.

"Blake, please...I'm begging you!" I whimpered.

"Shut the fuck up! You didn't want to finish the kiss and I did! For your punishment you will do as I say! And I say shut the hell up before I really give you something to scream about!"

I didn't say anything.

I started a countdown in my head of what was about to go down.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1...........

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