Chapter 29: "Where Else?"

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Andy's POV

There were three words to describe how I was feeling right now: Stunned, surprised, confused.

I mean why would a guy like that want me? I might be smart and nice but I have zero sex appeal. That's what guys want these days: sex appeal and sex. If you're hot then they want to fuck you. If you're not hot then you might as well hide inside a dumpster for the rest of your life.

What the hell has happened to society?

"Was I t-too so-soo-soon?" I heard Blake interrupt my thinking.

"No, no. It's just that..I don't see what you see in me..."

"You're beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, attrac-"

"No I'm not. I'm ugly."

Blake cupped his hands on my cheeks and looked me in my eyes. "Yes. You. Are. You're also smart and charming. You're just perfect-"

I cut him off again. "Stop saying that! You don't even know me that well!"

"But I want to get to know you. Just please...go on a date with me," he begged with puppy dog eyes.

I thought it over for a minute. I kinda wanted to go but I kinda didn't want to go. If I went we could have a great time and possibly be an item. If I didn't go he would keep flirting with me and I might just walk in on him wearing my undergarments again.

Yeah, I'm not taking that chance...

"Yes. I'll go on a date with you," I told him.

Blake let go of my face and started jumping around the house, pumping his fists in the air, as if he was Rocky.

"Yes! Yes! She's going on a date with me! Yes! Yes! She finally agreed to come! Yes! Yes! She'll just have to wait and see! Yes! Yes! This date is gonna be much fun!" he chanted.

I laughed at him until we heard squealing coming from Cindy's room. She came out of her room with a big grin on her face holding her hands out towards me.

" too are going on a date..." she squealed.

"Yeah, as soon as he stops running around," I joked.

Right after I said that, Blake came up behind me and swooped me into his arms. "I'm ready. Let's go," he said.

We started walking to the door to leave but Cindy beat us to it. "Where do you think you're going?" she said pointing at us.

"On a date. Where else?" Blake spoke.

"Not dressed like that. Come on guys! This is your first date together...don't you want to dress to impress?"

Blake and I looked at each other and then looked at her and said, "No."

"Please..I really want to see you in a dress and you in a tuxedo! Please please please please please please plea-"

"OK!" Blake and I yelled at the same time.

Cindy put her hands together and smiled at us. "Perfect! Now, Andy let's go get a dress and Blake go get a tuxedo!"

"But I don't have one," Blake whined.

"That's why you go buy one.." Cindy said matter-of-factly.

Blake released me from his grip and walked out of the house without saying a word. Fifteen seconds later I heard a car leave.

"Now let's go!" Cindy begun dumping all the clothes I had bought onto the floor, since I hadn't put them in my closet yet.

She laid all the dresses in one particular spot on the floor and asked me which one I wanted to wear.

To be honest I didn't know which dress I wanted to wear. I bought about ten dresses that were all very stylish and very cute.

What to wear, what to wear....

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