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"Seamus is dead?", I ask in disbelief.

"Seamus is dead.", Jordan confirms.

A sigh leaves his lips as Jordan's eyes remain on the ground. In all honesty Jordan looks like shit now days, and you can tell he's strained under the weight of everything happening. Intense dark circles line his eyes and his bead has grown to a length I've never seen on him. Besides physical features that show the stress his voice is ragged and raspy almost like something of a morning voice but more so than that and it doesn't wear off. He continuously sounds worn out, and I'm not sure how much longer Jordan's going to hold up at this point before he falls apart completely.

"Does anyone else know?", I inquire.

"No I've only told you. I don't know how to tell anyone else.", Jordan sighs.

I watch as he rubs his eyes and looks at me practically screaming for help.

"I'll tell them Jordan. You need to go home and catch some sleep. You look like you haven't slept in months, maybe shave too you're looking a little shaggy.", I try to joke. It all comes out monotone though, joking didn't seem like something reasonable for me to do anymore with the given circumstances.

"Okay I'll do that.", Jordan says getting up, "thank you Dan. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You'd probably die of stress honestly Jordan. Now get out of here.", I say shooing him along.

For the first  time since this haunting of sorts started Jordan smiles. It's a pathetic smile full of grief and almost looks more like a grimace, but it's something. Watching as Jordan goes I make sure he actually walks out of the office instead of straight into his office. He leaves through the front door making me slightly more relieved, then my task ahead dawns one me once more and all that relief that had flooded into me dispates.

Deciding I might as well start delivering the news I head down the hallway toward Aleks office. Poking my head inside I see him staring blankly at his monitor, Linkin Park playing softly.

"Aleks?", I ask. Aleks head snaps up as he falls from his trances looking at me with glassy eyes.

"Yeah Dan?"

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. What do you need."

"I came to tell you that uh Seamus is dead...", I say trailing off.

"I know.", Aleks states looking back at his computer.

"What? I was told no one knew."

"I heard Jordan on the phone.", Aleks says shrugging.

I raise an eyebrow questioningly, but Aleks doesn't bat an eye. Letting out a sigh I nod before carrying on to tell the others, keeping Aleks reaction in mind.



"Aleks I'm going to lunch you wanna come?", I ask.

He nods standing up, a notepad tucked underneath his arm as he follows me to the car. I get in waiting for him to before driving to a random restaurant and parking the car, but keeping the doors locked preventing Aleks from getting out. For this I receive a perplexed look from him as he attempts to open the door.

"Dan what are you doing?", Aleks asks sounding slightly terrified. His eyes are wide with fear, and looks as if he was facing a murderer or about to perish to something. He gulps still tugging at the door handle trying to get out.

"Aleks how did you know about Seamus' death. Jordan went and saw Ash and found out no phone call involved.", I state looking at him.

"Dan please, I'm not getting you involved.", Aleks pleads.

"Aleks...", I say my tone low. Aleks looks at the door once more before letting out a sigh and giving in.

"Fine! Seamus told me! He told me Blurryface was after him and that he was going to die that's how I knew."

"Wait he told you this and you didn't tell the rest of us!", I shout.

"Yes, he didn't want me to. It would have come after me or anyone I told and I didn't want that."

"Did Seamus tell you anything else?", I ask.

"I figured you'd ask and this is all I have.", Aleks states.

Careful not to damage it, he rips a piece of paper of his notepad offering it to me. I take it and look over the sheet of lined paper. At the top in big letters it read Blurryface and beneath that was a serious of bullet points each listing a fact I assume about Blurryface.

"What is all this.", I question looking over it all again.

"Everything we know about Blurryface thus far plus some research I've done.", he states eyes focused on the sheet.

"What are you going to do with it?"

"Make sure it doesn't find out I know what I do and then hopeful find a way to banish it.", he sighs. Aleks runs a hand through his already disheveled hair, eyes focusing on his lap.

"So that's the name of the game, try and banish whatever it is?", I ask.

"Yeah it's proving to be difficult though not knowing what exactly Blurryface is."

"Well how about we get some lunch and try to get our minds off this. When we get done eating we can do some research and try to figure it out", I suggest trying to stay calm. Yet it didn't work as I wasn't calm not when Aleks and Seamus had been keeping so much hidden away. There wasn't any calm in this situation to begin with. Aleks nods reaching for the door handle then stopping briefly to look at me.

"And Dan, don't ever leave that piece of paper lying around. I mean that."

"I won't Aleks."

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