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Okay so I asked a few people and they thought I should do an explanation of things in this book, and how it all worked. Please understand my thought process is a bit odd so it all may not work perfectly, but I hope you'll at least get the gist of things.

What was/is blurryface?
This was a frequently asked question, and I've seen several ideas of what it could be so I thought I'd start with this. Blurryface is not a person. It isn't an ex creature or someone outside the group entirely, it is an embodiment of fear that looks much like an apparition and is entirely black. It's described in several ways such as a mist, or shadowy figure. Blurryface does look like it's got a human form but is see through if that makes sense.

Since it is the embodiment of fear it can change shape to resemble what you're afraid of. This is seen a little when James has his final showdown by the field as he describes it getting bigger and having a more growling voice. James was afraid of it winning and the more fear that he felt the more blurryface could grow and have power.

Also no one else could see blurryface when he's in the room, only the person he's after can see him. When blurryface killed Spencer, Stefani and Joe didn't see the attacker because blurryface was visible only to Spencer. Same with Aleks when he's shouting for James to go, blurryface is there but James cannot see him at all. As for Jordan and Dan, blurryface was after both of them so they could both see him.

How does blurryface work?

Blurryface essentially feeds on fear, it is an embodiment of fear that's strength grows with the more fear produced. It was after the creatures so it started by filing them up and bestowing fear in them with its rules. With that fear it became stronger and thrived with it gaining more and more. This allowed it to reach out to spoon and ze along with anywhere else it wanted.


Why did blurryface want the creatures dead/why did they all die?

Blurryface is fear, and the creatures in this are afraid of failing (that's not really stated, sorry). So blurryface is eliminating them (killing, failing, however you wish to put it) and its their fear getting the best of them. Fear won this one, peace did not.

Everyone has their own blurryface, the only difference is in this their blurryface is a literal being that haunts us as to where we don't have a literal one but our fears do haunt us.

Kevin's death

I got my ass eaten by Libby for this first off so gg me.

Anyway it was said that Jordan texted Kevin before he died with the information about blurryface. Blurryface could have found out about this in many different ways (ex. searching Jordan's phone, watching him text, watching Kevin read the text.) then decided Kevin needed to be eliminated. (He would have died anyway I mean seriously)

Finger Gun?

This is actually a concept I came up with later on in the book and implemented even though it was later on. If you didn't realize it this book is heavily twenty one pilots themed. I was listening to guns for hands while writing and that's where the idea of Blurryface's hand being a gun came in. I thought it was unique and tied in well with the tøp theme so I went with it.

James' Death

This was something I had planned out for the duration of the book. James didn't do anything particularly wrong at the end no, but his fear does peak giving blurryface the power to kill him, also he challenges blurryface in a way and asks questions which was against the rules I do believe.

It was somewhat of a special death because I knew from the beginning I wanted James to get scared straight then last until the end. I wanted there to be a final confrontation between James and I wanted it to be this big production of James running and trying to fight for his life before ultimately perishing. This was also a special way for the book to end because the last line is the line that really gave me the idea for this book. The entire idea was formed around "I'm a goner" and "who is blurryface and why does he want me dead?" so ending with that line was very special for me because it was the initial idea, and it meant everything came together and I'd done it.

Honestly I wanted to bestow hope in your hearts then demolish it because there's not always a happy ending, and I like to keep this in mind.

Did the interns live?

Yes! The interns (Artist Joe, Intern Joe, Stefani, and Aron) all lived! They all quit, and blurryface wasn't after them so they lived. Blurryface was mainly after the creatures and if the interns got in the way, like Spencer, then it was a problem but if not they got away harm free.

This was mainly because I couldn't bear to kill Intern Joe so yeah.

Is that the end?

That is the official end of blurryface! I used game over because they are gamers and I thought it'd be a little better then the end!

I hope you all enjoyed this book; I know I had fun writing it because it was so different from anything else I've written. I think I answered everything I saw questions about, but if you still have questions about something I talked about or anything else you want answered comment down below and I'll do my best to answer everyone!

Thank you guys all for reading, it really means a lot when you guys show such support and I love you all so so much <3

Caitlin aka fairly-aleks

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