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Aleks and I sit in James' hospital room neither of us speaking, just looking at his lifeless form in front of us. The doctors believed he'd come out of his comatose state any minute now; they'd been saying that for a few days now.

When asked the doctors gave a dumbfounded look then promised he'd be fine and awake in no time. It seemed that James was their last priority, well that or they didn't know what was wrong with him. I was betting on the second one.

Despite him never waking up, Aleks and I visited daily hoping we'd wake in to see him sitting up and complaining about hospital food; we never got to see that.

"Do you think he's gonna ever wake up Kev?", Aleks asks his voice barely a whisper. I hold my tongue knowing I had to be specific with my words so they wouldn't force anymore worry on Aleks, he was terrified enough already for James health.

"I think he will eventually. Everything about his health is fine, it's just his mind that needs to wake up. It's gonna be okay.", I state trying to sound comforting.

Whether or not I was comforting I didn't know as Aleks simply nodded then turned back to James.

A deep sigh escapes my lips as I stand up from the rock the hospital claimed was a chair receiving a perplexed look from Aleks.

"I need to head back to the office, give me a ride?", I inquire.

Aleks looks at James hesitantly then nods standing up. Wordlessly we leave the hospital room, both looking back at James as we leave.

The drive back to the office is silent except for the static from the radio. Almost the entire way there Aleks looks as though he could break into tears at any given moment. He held it together though as he drove, pulling into the parking lot.

Before I can even attempt to get out Aleks breaks down, tears rolling down his cheeks as sobs rack his body. For a moment I'm stunned watching as he collapses over, head resting on the steering wheel.

"Aleks...", I say softly.

No reply, only more whimpers.

"It's gonna be okay.", I state resting a hand on his back. Slowly I rub circles trying to comfort the blubbering boy.

"I-I should have stopped it.", he chokes out.


Aleks was suffering from the guilt of what happened and was pinning the blame on himself.

"You couldn't have, there was no way to know."

"Yes there was! He was telling me he didn't believe everything about blurryface, I should have known the attack was going to happen Kevin. I shouldn't have let him out of my sight, I should have saved him Kevin. I should have known."


I emit a laugh at one of Chilleds ridiculous jokes, my eyes still trained at the game in front of me. We'd been recording Town of Salem for around thirty minutes now and we're all getting burnt out. Still, we attempted to act as though we were still fully enjoying it.

A loud crash startles me, causing me to nearly fling my headphone across the room as my character dies on stream. All the guys look at me in confusion as I glance around at the room behind me.

"I'll be right back.", I state standing up. My hands find the nearest object, a baseball bat, and wield it ready to strike. Carefully I move room to room looking for the source of the racket.

A flash of black scares me further as it quickly disappears into thin air. I gulp looking around frantically for any trace of the shadowy black figure but instead find a busted out window, and a small piece of paper laying on the ground next to it.

"Just because you live away from them doesn't mean you're safe-blurryface"

I look at the ominous message again before sprinting downstairs, stil, gripping the bat tightly.

"Is everything okay Ze?", John asks. I briskly shake my head no before ending the call and exiting the game quickly grabbing my phone. Ring after ring I wait hoping that someone will answer, it was 911 after all, someone was supposed to respond immediately. Then again the basement had awful reception.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you.", a voice hisses.

My phone falls from my grip clattering on the ground as I turn around to be met by nothing.

No person,

No shadows,

Absolutely nothing.


Yeah I added Ze in, I like him and he's still technically a creature okay. I plan to add sp00n in eventually too.

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