Chapter 5

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Azula sat in an empty stall in the locker room focusing all the energy she had into her hands trying to generate a spark of fire only for nothing to appear. She began to panic. Her bending was gone, just like the day of the eclipse. The entire reason the Crimson Storm took an interest in her was now gone and with it her plan, and even her well being, was in jeopardy.
What's worse is Lectro was very insistent on getting her in the lab to run some tests on her bending. She's been avoiding him since she felt her fire leave her but it's only a matter of time until they find out.
"Private Azula, please report to the science lab." The intercom bellowed.
She couldn't hide anymore, now she had to face it and try to adapt from there. After leaving the stall she marched through the corridors, having to take directions from a few crewmates, and found his lab.
She took a deep breath to maintain control before entering into a decently sized room filled with all manner of outlandish looking machinery, beakers, desks and other equipment.
Lectro stood working at a computer console before realizing her arrival, "Finally! I was beginning to think you were avoiding me."
"I got turned around on my way here." Not entirely a lie, after all this ship is a maze without My'Rell to guide her.
"You're here now and that's all that matters. So let's get started! B3 prep the scanner!" Lectro seemed to be excited to finally be able to study her bending, but it only made Azula more anxious.
The robot emerged from a charging station, its legs folding out of its cylindrical body and roaming around on spherical wheels, and approached a large glass box with a computer console attached. A pair of metal tentacles like those in the surgical room slithered out of B3's body and began preparing the device.
"These tests of yours aren't going to be too invasive, I hope?" She approached the glass box, scanning it up and down curiously.
"Nope, nothing like that today. Right now I just want a basic scan." He pulled open one of the box's glass doors, "Step inside please."
Reluctantly she did so with him closing it behind her.
"Try and stay as still as possible so we can get an accurate scan."
She took a stance as a wall of blue light appeared above her head and traveled down, going over every inch of her body before retreating back up.
"Was that all?"
"As a baseline it was perfect." He gave her a clawed thumbs up, "Now produce a flame and we'll do another one."
"Is that really necessary? Surely there's another method of doing so?" She deflected as her anxiety grew.
"Not really. You're quite literally the only species that has an ability like this. The most accurate way we can scan for now is directly."
She hid a grimace from him and held her hands out once more in one final attempt. So far her luck was returning to her so hopefully it will come once more, but alas not even a flicker appeared.
"Whenever you're ready." Lectro said, watching intently.
She tried once more, her anger now starting to rear its head but no flames would erupt. This went on for several minutes until Lectro tapped on the glass to get her attention.
"Is everything alright?"
"Everything is fine! Just give me a moment!" She shouted at him causing the lizard man to jump back in fright.
"Uh... o-okay. Take as much time as you need." He looked to B3 for support with the robot giving none.
Another minute passed and no flames came. She threw her hands to her side and demanded to be let out.
"What's wrong? You run out of fuel or something?"
"Everything is wrong! My firebending is... is..." She growled in frustration and kicked a chair over.
"Subject has become violent. Permission to incapacitate?" B3 asked as he produced a taser from his body.
"I'd like to see you try, trash can!" She took on a firebending stance despite not having any.
"My designation is B3."
"Hang on!" Lectro shouted getting in between them, "Let's just calm down and put away the metaphorical fangs and just calm down."
Azula eased out of her aggressive stance with B3 retracting his taser.
"Now, what is the issue here?"
Azula didn't want to answer him but she had no choice, "My... bending. It's gone."
He gave her a skeptical look, "It's gone? I'm sorry, but how do you know?"
She rolled her eyes then threw a jab at the corner of the lab, "There should be a scorch mark on that wall but there isn't!" She throws a sweeping kick in the opposite direction, "That table should be on fire!" She then held a hand up to Lectro, her eyes like a rabid animal, hair beginning to fall out of place with her breath growing heavy and unsteady, "And there should be a fireball in my hand!"
"Alright." He held up his hands to ease the tension, "When did this start happening?"
She retracted her hand taking a few steps back, "It's been getting weaker ever since I got on the SeCore until it just disappeared."
"You call what you did in the cargo bay weak? If that's the case I'd love to see what you consider strong." Lectro said in a more positive tone hoping to bring some levity to Azula who only grimaced at him.
"My strength returned to me in that instance but don't ask me how because I don't know."
"Then let's just retrace our steps on some matters. Is there anything that could have had some kind of effect on you? Anything you may have come into contact with like a chemical or something?" He asked, setting his chair back up and taking a seat.
Azula ran through all the events in her head trying to recall anything until she remembered her time in the med bay.
"The vaccine!" She declared, "The doctor said that there could be side effects. That has to be it."
He scratched his chin in thought, "It could be possible. B3 contact Dr. Bevel and tell her to come here."
"Affirmative." The robot moved to a computer console.
"Don't worry, we'll get this sorted out in no time."
She scoffs, "Easy for you to say. Your reason for being here hasn't disappeared."

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