Chapter 16

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Thank you again for reading! I do apologize again for the very delayed chapter, I had been experiencing a bit of burn out after the last chapter and thought I could work through it but found that I needed to take a break from this story for awhile to recharge my batteries and thankfully I was able to get through it. I just wished I could have let you all know before hand about this so you all wouldn't be left in the dark and think that the story was dropped. I'm gonna try and upload a little more often now I've got some creative juice in the tank. Now enjoy!


The skiff soured through the sewers and passed into the abandoned subway system gliding by derelict trains and stations. It was here that Azula was able to feel the biting cold beyond the dome and she could see icicles forming on the ceiling suggesting this area wasn't properly sealed off from the outside.

"Hope none of you are too bothered by the cold? There's a couple leaks here and there." Tsundal said.

"We're not actually going outside in the cold right?" Skeeve asked as he began to shiver.

"Course not! What do you think, I'm crazy? Subway connects to old geothermal transport tunnels. We don't have to set one foot out in the tundra."

Cetro took his word for it and shifted his focus to the injured member of their party, "How you holding up."

Sev shifted his weight a little with his face twisting in pain before being masked by a cheeky grin, "Just a scratch. I've survived worse." He then indicated with his prosthetic leg.

"That knife wound was still pretty deep. I suggest you not move around so much until we get you back to Bevel." Lectro cautioned him.

Cetro ran a hand over his head in a tired fashion, "Great, our tank is out of commission leaving you as our soul power house, Abzul." He said to Azula.

"Azula." she corrected again.

"Ain't that what I said?" Cetro disregarded this and went back to the smuggler, "Please tell me your ship is ready to launch."

Tsundal sneered at him, "I radioed ahead and informed the rest of my crew to begin launch preparations. All we have to do is load up and we should be good to go."

"This time we'll all load it up so we can get out of here before the sun's eventually find us."

"Fine. Do whatever you want."

"Thank the maker, I'm ready to get out of this place." Lectro said warily.

"We're not out of the woods yet. We still have to actually get off Ginza and hope they don't chase us all the way back to Kazima."

After several more minutes of traversing the subways they found a tunnel that led them out of the city into an old geothermal plant.

It was a sizable structure built into the side of a large rock outcropping. The outside of the building was decrepit and falling apart with frost covering almost every nook and cranny with icicles formed on every surface as the facility was partially buried in snow. Its long dead chimneys resemble stone ruins that almost blend into the rock outcropping. The interior was lived in but contrasted greatly with the rustic exterior with well maintained floors and hallways, fluorescent lights and heating that kept the overall environment cozy. The pipes and machinery that belong to the buildings originally purpose were caked in a layer of dust.

The skiff soured through the wide open corridors until it reached a large hangar where a large yellow rustic wedged shaped ship sat with its rear cargo bay door open and waiting to receive them with a member of the crew coming to meet them.

He was a yellow skinned Ke'Kuvon with a thick dark blue stripe tattooed over his eyes splitting his face, "About time you showed up! Ship is fueled and ready to go when you say." he stopped when he noticed the others, "Who are they? Is that a Pendaren? Are we smuggling them now?"

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