Welcome to the TVA

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Rebecca sat in her room waiting for Mobius to tell her if they had a mission or not that day. As she was waiting she would often wonder what her life was like before the TVA or if she had always worked as an analyst her whole life and she couldn't remember. Rebecca jumped at the knock on her door, "Come in!"

The door opened and Mobius, her mentor, walked in, "It's your lucky day. Ravonna was nice enough to let you in on my mission she assigned me."

Rebecca raised her eyebrow as Ravonna seemed not to be the biggest fan of hers for some reason. "Really? You think this might be the first step in actually becoming a full analyst like you?"

"Let's take it one step at a time, Becca. No need to rush the process. Just be glad she agreed for you to join me this time around." Mobius said motioning for Rebecca to come with him.

"So, we're are we going? America 1920's? Oh maybe France in the 1800s?" Rebecca asked, causing Mobius to shake his head laughing at the young girl following him.

"Yes on the France part, but in 1549," Mobius said continuing to walk.

"Wait, what happened in 1549?" Rebecca yelled after him and running to catch up with him.

Aix-En Provence, France 1549

Rebecca stood quietly next to Mobius after being debriefed with one of the Hunter and two Minutemen who came with the analyst and analyst in training. "The hunter and his Minutemen responded to a routine nexus event. It appears that when they arrived somebody got the jump on 'em." one of the Minutemen stated.

"You think?" Mobius muttered, causing Rebecca to roll her eyes and look around at the church that they were in as she looked down at the fallen TVA soldier.

"It's him," Hunter U-92 exclaimed.

"Stab wounds look consistent with the others. Positioning of the bodies indicates they didn't know what the hell hit 'em. And reset charge is gone," Mobius said, standing up and looking around for the soldier's rest charge.

"That's the sixth attack in the last week," Hunter U-92 stated.

"That we know of," Rebecca whispered exchanging weary looks with Mobius.

A sudden noise from the back of the church made Rebecca jump and Hunter U-92 to draw out his weapon. Rebecca's eyes softened once she noticed it was just a child, "hey!" she yelled at the Hunter who glared back in response at her.

"Wait, stand down! Stand down," Mobius said raising up his arm to stop the hunter from going forward after noticing the child as well. "It's just a kid."

Mobius motioned for Rebecca to follow behind him towards the kid. "I'm sorry. My friend is an imbecile," Mobius said in French causing Rebecca to chuckle slightly.

"Hey yo! I speak every language on the timeline too," Hunter U-92 said in French. "Jackass."

Mobius took out his TimePad and drew a stick figure on it and handed it to the little girl and said, "Tap it."

The little girl did so and the stick figure appeared into the air and started to walk. Mobius looked over at Rebecca and nodded for her to ask the question, "Do you know who did this?" Rebecca asked the little girl in French.

The little girl turned to a portrait that looked to be the devil surrounded by flames on it. She pointed up at it making Mobius and Rebecca exchange glances, "Don't worry, that devil's afraid of us. We're gonna take care of him," Mobius assured her as Rebecca noticed Hunter U-92 was approaching them. "And we're gonna put you back where you belong," Mobius said, taking the pad from the little girl.

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