mad woman

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 LOOM STATUS ELEVATED, the computer's voice kept repeating over and over causing Casey to sigh frustrated at the system

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LOOM STATUS ELEVATED, the computer's voice kept repeating over and over causing Casey to sigh frustrated at the system.

"So, how do we get in?" Loki questioned.

"Without He who Remains' temporal aura, I don't know," O.B. said as he walked away from the computer system.

"Well, how much time do we have?" Rebecca questioned looking over Casey's shoulder to see what was happening and then rushed after O.B. who Mobius, Loki, and B-15 were walking with.

"It's stable right now, but the branches Dox pruned are growing back. So if we can't get in there and increase the diameter of the Loom intake ring enough to boost throughput and clear that knot of unrefined time..." O.B. said pushing some random buttons on the wall.

"Wait a second, wait a second. Simpler," Loki told O.B knowing that everyone didn't have the same knowledge of mechanics as he did. Rebecca only knew a little amount whenever Howard Stark would explain to her what he was doing during a brief period of time where she was his assistant. That's a story for another time though.

"We need to scale the Lom's capacity to manage all those new branches, otherwise it will fail," O.B. rephrased. "And the TVA will be destroyed!" Reecca's head snapped up at the mention of the destruction of the TVA, "And we're all gonna die."

"There has to be another way," Rebecca exclaimed.

"We can hack into the system," Mobius said, hoping that could be an option for them.

"Really? Oh, that is such a relief," O.B. said excited that there was a possibility for stop the TVA from destruction.

"No, no, no. I was wondering," Mobius rephrased himself.


"I think he meant it as an idea," Rebecca told O.B.

"Can we?" Mobius asked.

"No. we're all gonna die," O.B. replied.

"No one's gonna die. There has to be a viable option," B-15 yelled out.

"What about Miss Minutes? Can she open up access to the Loom?" Casey questioned.

'Miss Minutes. What about her?"

"Conceivably. She has administrator access to the entire TVA," O.B. said.

"She can have access to the whole universe!" Rebecca said, rolling her eyes that an AI clock had so much power.

"Doesn't really matter if she's gone, and she's AWOL. And how are we gonna find a little rogue cartoon clock that doesn't wanna be found?" Mobius questioned.

"I'd say the sooner we find her, the better," Loki commented.

Rebecca rejoined Casey and B-15 along with Mobius and Loki on the other side of the room. "We know Miss Minutes sent information to Renslayer and then we never saw her again," Casey stated.

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