Bad Blood

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The trio walked outside and Rebecca noticed the man who she had run into earlier was now in a pig cage

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The trio walked outside and Rebecca noticed the man who she had run into earlier was now in a pig cage. "Loki," Rebecca laughed out as he waved to the man.

"What? That's where he deserves to be after talking so rudely to a beautiful lady," Loki told her.

"Guys, come on," Mobius said, getting annoyed with their flirting on missions. "Mr. Timely!" Mobius yelled out.

Rebecca glared at Renslayer who was on the other side of Victor, "Mr. Timely. My associates and I want to discuss a business venture."

"It's thrilling," Loki said.

"It's a new adventure!" Rebecca commented.

"Fellas, we are discussing business," Renslayer said, annoyed with the group.

"Renslayer, this is only gonna take a minute," Mobius snapped at her.

"Do you all know each other?" Victor questioned.

"Unfortunately. Yeah, old friend," Mobius said.

"Who tried to kill me and tortured me," Rebecca added as Renslayer gave her a fake smile in return.

"We are colleagues. A long time ago. I can hardly remember," Renslayer stated.

"Oh, I remember–" Rebecca began to say before Loki put his hand over Rebecca's mouth to stop her from talking. "Seriously?" Rebecca asked as Loki took his hand off.

Loki shrugged and was about to say something but a man came up to the group yelling, "I want my money back, Timely. These trousers don't work."

"Councilman, what are you talking about? You look taller to me. I told you these were a prototype. Perhaps I could come by next week, maybe adjust the settings– next week?" Victor Timely asked as he bent down slowly.

"Next week. Fine," the councilman said after taking a moment to think about it.

"Fine," Victor Timely repeated and walked back to the group.

"Mr. Timely!" Renslayer said, trying to get him to follow her.

"Mechanical trousers?" Mobius asked.

"You're a confidence trickster," Loki told Victor Timely.

"Luminary is the word you're looking for," Victor said, correcting Loki.

"Of course. Forgive me," Loki said, glancing at Rebecca who shrugged as the quickly followed the man.

"My ideas are just ahead of their time," Victor Timely told Rebecca

"Why wouldn't they be?" Rebecca said, giving the man a nod affirming his thoughts about his ideas.

"The concepts are bona fide. I just need the crude technology of this era to catch up with my visionary mind," Victor said, turning to face Rebecca.

"Do you know? We never doubted it for a second," Rebecca replied.

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