I Did Something Bad...

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Rebecca and Loki sat on the couch outside of Ravonna's office waiting for Mobius to get approval to start their plan on catching the Variant

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Rebecca and Loki sat on the couch outside of Ravonna's office waiting for Mobius to get approval to start their plan on catching the Variant. "What's taking them so long?" Rebecca wondered out loud as Mobius had been in Ravonna's office for a while now.

"I'm sure everything is fine," Loki assured her, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"What if she says no though?" Rebecca asked glancing at his hand on her shoulder.

"She won't, trust me," Loki replied with a small nod in assurance and taking his hand off her shoulder.

Rebecca quickly looked up as the door swung open and Mobius walked out of the office, "We're on!"

Mobius walked forward as Loki and Rebecca high fived each other. The two quickly caught up to Mobius as he walked through the hallway, "We are doing some good work today," Mobius said.

"I thought so too," Loki said with a smile on his face.

"I'm tellin' you. You actually help us catch this Variant, and who knows my friend," Mobius said as they walked up to their lockers.

Rebecca opened her locker as Loki asked, "What, good enough for a face-to-face with the Time-Keepers?"

"Mobius didn't say that," Rebecca told Loki as she was taking off her jacket and putting it in her locker and taking out a small dagger of her own just in case.

"Just in case," Mobius said, handing Loki's dagger.

"Yeah, don't those feel..." Loki started to say as he had missed his daggers and was admiring them.

"Absolutely not!" B-15 snatched up his weapon and threw it into her locker on the opposite side of the room, "Gather around for a briefing."

Rebecca patted Loki's back as she walked towards the circle that was forming.

"Roxxcart is a vast superstore common to the era. It consists of a series of sprawling sections, including a large warehouse. This warehouse is being used by civilians as a shelter to ride out the storm. Remember, this is a class ten apocalypse. While the Variant shouldn't know we're coming, he could be hiding anywhere and should be considered hostile. So stay alert. Ever time there is an attack, the Variant steals a reset charge. He's planning something. We just don't know what. So keep an eye out for the missing charges, and if you see a Loki, prune it," B-15 said glancing over to Loki who stood beside Rebecca.

"The bad Loki, preferably," Loki added, nodding his head to the group.



Rebecca knew that she should have grabbed her rain jacket from her room the moment they walked out of TVA. her once curly hair was now drenched wet. "Anything?" Mobius yelled.

"Nothing yet. Move out!" B-15 yelled back.

"You okay?" Rebecca yelled, noticing Loki was looking up after a loud boom with lightning danced through the sky.

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