New beginnings

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After months of tracking Y/n down, Bucky and Natasha finally found her. In a building in California, she stands in an abandoned building. There is a beat up, bloodied man tied in a chair, the nineteen year old girl stands with a blood knife near when Bucky and Natasha find her.

They are stunned at the sight, they knew it would be hard but seeing a teenage girl clutching a knife dripping in blood hit a special spot. It was especially hard for Natasha, who immediately tried to help, "Y/n L/n, your safe now, okay? Why don't you put down the knife?"

The girls blood still flows with Hydra serum, her mind completely gone and the serum has completely taken over. Bucky realizes this just as Y/N attacks Natasha, ready to stab the two intruders. Her mission was to kill Thai man for information, which she got, and come back to base. Bucky tackles the poor girl to the ground, pinning her as Natasha helps pry the knife out of her hand.

Natasha still is in a bit of a trance, thinking back to her own past of murder and assassination. This girl is just like her, expect with even less of a choice to kill them even she had. It's hard for her, but Natasha still keeps up caution. The girl thrashes as Bucky holds her to the ground, "Hey, we're here to help you, alright?"

The girl only glares, "Get the fuck off me, I'll kill you. Painfully." She grits her teeth as she tries to free herself without success. Natasha shakes her head and looks at Bucky, "This isn't gonna work, we can't talk her out of it. She doesn't have someone to bring her back like you had Steve. We gotta tranquilize her and take her back. Tony and Banner might know what to do."

Bucky nods grimly, "Alright. You got the stuff?"

Natasha grimaces and nods, not wanting to do this but knowing it's the only way to save the girl. She gets the case she had discarded earlier in case things got messy and got the tranquilizer ready. Quickly she injects the girl with the liquid and after a few moments her movements become lazy and finally she stops fighting. The both take a minute to sit back and breathe, looking down at the girl who's life is about to change completely. At least know she'll be able to live it the way she wants to.

Slowly Bucky hefts her up in his arms, and Natasha get the case and they leave the building. A black Stark industries van sits outside. They sit the girl into a seat, buckling her up and leaning her against the door so she can sleep comfortably. Then they take her back to New York, to see what Tony and Banner can do for her.

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