Moving In

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After a few more weeks, Bucky comes and visit me, seeming hopeful. I sit up, looking at him carefully, "What?"

Bucky smiles proudly, "The serums out of your system, and you've proven to be safe now. Stark said you can get out of the cell. You can have a room in the Stark tower, which is where you are right now. We'll still need to keep an eye on you, but it's to help. Does a real room sound good?"

I smile back, feeling hesitant but relieved. "That sounds great. Anything not to sleep on a cot anymore."

Bucky frowns, "Sorry about that, kid. But yes, you'll have a real bed."

I stand, "When do it get to move?"

Bucky shrugs, "Now, if you want. It's not like you having things to pack."

I smile, surprised, "Really?"

He nods, and turns back, and for the first time, opining the cell door for me. I look out into the empty corridor cautiously before I step towards it. Out of the cell I've been stuck in. Bucky follows after me, and once we're in the hall, he leads me to another area.

I assume he's taken me to the commons, because there are sofas, a bar, and a television bigger and flatter than anything I've ever seen. I look around in shock at the technology advancements around me. The warm lighting, what I can only assume are computers. "Cool, right?" A cocky voice asks.

I turn to look at Stark, feeling a bit annoyed. "Yeah. You made this?"

He shrugs, shoving his hands into his pockets, "Some of it. Most are older inventions that you were too... Controlled to know about."

I cross my arms, nodding. "So, I'm guessing a lot has changed since the last time I was fully awake?"

Natasha steps into the room from another hallway, typing away on a smaller device. "Yeah. Wars over, America and the United nations won. Hitler's long dead. We'll catch you up on the rest later."

I nod, feeling a bit overwhelmed. My whole world has changed. Everything. I feel my heart beat faster in panic. Everyone I knew is dead. Everything I stood for are things of the past. My favorite musicians are forgotten.

"Sir?" The disembodied voice of Jarvis speaks. "Her heart rate has quickly increased. Scans show her brain rapidly firing."

"Y/N." Bucky speaks firmly, stepping closer, "It's okay. You'll get used to everything."

I close my eyes, trying to calm down. "I know. I'm fine." Suddenly feel his hand on my shoulder, steadying me.

"Barnes. Let's get her to her room." Natasha's voice suggest gently. I look to her as Bucky starts leading me away. She nods, giving me a pitying smile, "You're safe."

I swallow nervously, letting Bucky guide me to my room. I'm not too far from the commons, assuming they wanted to keep me close. When he lets me in, I immediately scan the room for electronics. "Y/N, we kept Jarvis and other technologies out of your room. You won't be disturbed until you decide to come join us again."

I move forward quickly and hugging him. Slowly, he wrap his arms back around me, his body stiff. I let out a quiet sigh, feeling overwhelming grateful. "Thank you." I murmur softly.

He pats my back, "It'll be okay, kid. I'll call Steve. You need to meet him. He understands what you're going through, me and Natasha understand how you feel. We're here to help you."

I nod, stepping back awkwardly, fidgeting with my fingers. I purse my lips, "Mind if I have some alone time?"

He smiles slightly and nods his head. Without another word he steps out of my room, closing the door behind me.

I finally take a moment to truly look around. The walls have bad floral wallpaper, the bed has a metal frame and light yellow sheets. In one of the corners is a record player with some good, old albums. I smile at my surroundings. They're trying. I can tell they're trying to make me uncomfortable, even if the room is ugly as hell. It does feel more like home. I put on a Andrew Sisters Records, sitting on the plush bed as I listen, feeling just a bit better.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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