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                    - Readers POV -

The next time I wake up I'm chained to a seat. Hydra's serum seems to be wearing off. I can finally hear my own thoughts. The next thing I realize, is I don't know where the fuck I am. I'm chained to the cot I'm laid on, in a room with a mirror. Likely it's double sided and they are watching me.

Groggily I sit up and say out loud, "You kidnapped me? Seriously? Who even are you."

I glare, hoping they still see me as a threat. Just cause the drum has worn off, doesn't mean I'm any less dangerous. A door I handt known was there, opens, clearly have been built in to look like the wall. It's automatic, the door lifting to reveal shoes, then pants and so on.

The door opens all the way and standing in the doorway is a man with short brown hair, a thin face, and a glowing piece of metal in his chest. "Hi there, Y/N L/N."

I narrow my eyes, and say mockingly, "And who are you supposed to be? A cyborg?"

He chuckles, "You're not wrong. Doc?"

I figure steps up from behind him, gently pushing past into the room. He has messy curly hair, mostly grey. He looks weary. He looks down at the tablet in his hand, "From the scan, her vitals seem to be good, looks like the serum is slowly leaving her."

"Okay, nerds, let me out or I will cut your throats with my nails." I say viciously, fear driving me more than anger.

'Doc' looks at me surprised, turning to the cyborg. "Um..."

The other one steps into the little room I'm kept in too, looking much more nonchalant, "Alright kid, here's the deal. We are trying to help you, alright? Get you away from Hydra. No need for murder at the moment."

I scoff moving forward so the chains on my wrists strain, "Oh? You want your own assassin do you." I say angrily, "How selfless of you. I know what you plan to do with me."

'Doc' shakes his head, "No, no. No. That's not what we want. Look, we are part of the Avengers."

I blink, the word meaning nothing to me. The man looks just as lost as me, "Uh, I'm Bruce Banner? The hulk?"

I sigh, "Okay, I have no fucking clue who you are. Let me go." I say fiercely.

The other man steps forward, "Come on, you must know me at least? Tony Stark? Philanthropist, playboy genius?"

I laugh, "Someone's vain." I think for a minute before my eyes light up, "Wait, are you Starks son? I remember hearing about that kill."

Something in the Stark shifts and he stalks forward, only to be stopped by another. Someone... Familiar. He has long brown hair, blue eyes, a serious look on his face. He says in warning, "Stark."

Stark glared at me and shakes his head before leaving, "Good luck with that little monster."

I roll my eyes, left alone with this new man. He doesn't move from where he stands, showing no sign of trouble. A sort of confidence rolls off of him, like he knows he needs no one else. "Y/N."

I glance at him suspiciously, "What?"

He sighs, "Do you remember me? Bucky Barnes."

The name strikes something in me. My eyebrows furrow, "The Winter soldier?"

He nods solemnly, his mouth quirking up, "Glad I finally found you."

I blink, "You've been... Looking?"

He nods, "Your the last of Hydra's puppets. A friend got me out, and so I would like to do the same for you."

Slowly, my shoulders fall, my face softening. "This is... This is real?"

He nods, "Stark is willing to give you a home here. Try not to insult him too much. We are hoping we can wait the serum out, and it looks like we were right. Welcome back to your own life."

I say, my mind lagging behind, "So I'm... Free?"

He nods and I ask, "I'm an assassin, a spy. I'm not maent for a normal life...?"

Bucky gives me a smile, "You'll figure it out. I did."


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