1. "I'm Minho. You?"

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Jisung's POV

Cheer up, baby

Cheer up, baby,

좀 더 힘을 내

여자가 쉽게 맘을 주면 안 돼

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and I turned it off. I slowly sat up on my bed, rubbing my eyes.

Summer break is over. I thought as I sighed.

I sat another 3 minutes on my bed, doing literally nothing. Just thinking.

Finally, I stood up and changed into the clothes I'll wear today. Gray baggy jeans, a white sweater, black converse and some accessories.

I got out of my room and entered the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair. I grabbed my bag before I went downstairs to the front door. "Mom, I'm leaving!" I shouted across the house, hoping for at least a 'bye'.



Nothing. As always. I try to shrug it off and leave the house, making my way to the bus stop. A few minutes later the bus arrived at my stop and I entered, sitting down on a free seat. I put my earbuds in my ears, clicking the 'play' button on my playlist. I want to listen on full volume so bad, but people would hear what kind of music I listen to. Would be embarrassing, right?

Before I knew it, we arrived at school and everyone got off the bus, including me. I stop at the school gates, taking a deep breath. I start walking into the school. As I entered I approached my locker, unlocking it and putting away the stuff I don't need in the first 3 classes.

"JISUNGIE!!" I hear a familiar voice shouting the nickname he gave me. Before I could turn around the boy with a pretty bright blue hair color already hugged me as tight as he could.

"Lixie, I can't breathe-" I said, not being able to hide my smile. "I missed you so much, mate!" The younger said with a big smile on his face, letting go of me. "I missed you too, how were your holidays?" I ask him. "Actually, boring! You barely texted me!" The younger let out a small pout. "I needed a break from your annoying ass!" I softly pushed him a little. "I'm not that annoying! Well, maybe. But you just can't handle it!" He complained. "Yeah, yeah! Now hurry, we're gonna be late for class. What's your first class?" I asked him as he took out his phone to check his timetable. "Shit, my first class is art!" The younger groaned. "I hate art" He added. "Well, good luck with your shitty drawing skills!" I said mockingly. "Shut it!" Felix said before he rushed off to the art classroom.

I made my way to my first class as well, History. I entered the classroom, sitting down on a free seat in the last row. Barely paying attention, an unfamiliar face settled down to the table next to me. I really didn't notice him until he spoke to me.

"Hi" The brown haired male spoke up. "H-huh?" I looked at him with a flustered face. "I said Hi" The older said. "Oh, hi..?" I said with a small voice since I don't like talking to strangers.

The older put a smile on his face, i just forced a small smile on my face. I gathered all my courage together and asked him "Are you.. New here? I haven't seen you before.. " I feel my body heat up from nervousness.

"I am. I'm Minho. You?" He has such a comforting smile.. It makes me feel kinda.. safe? No Jisung just answer his question! I thought before answering. "Ah-! My name is Jisung.." I tried to avoid eye contact.

The teacher entered the classroom before Minho could continue the conversation. "Settle down class!"


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